chapter two

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I opened my eyes slowly and was met with a white ceiling and a rectangle light embedded into the ceiling. Am I in the hospital? I rubbed my eyes and propped myself up onto my elbows. I looked to my left to see nurses and patients and visitors bustling down a white hallway. My mind rushed back to last night.

I thought I had died of smoke inhalation or burns. I was literally lit on fire. I carefully swung my legs out of the hospital bed. I pulled up my hospital gown to see that my pale legs were burn free and completely unscathed except for the scar from a bike accident years ago. I then noticed I didn't have any IV's hooked up to me or an oxygen machine. I didn't even have a heart rate monitor on. In fact, no medical machine in the entire room was on. What the hell?

I went out the in-room bathroom and examined myself in the mirror. No part of my body had even a trace of burns. I went back into my room and sat on my bed, twiddling my thumbs. I was getting bored. I parted my hair into two and Dutch braided each, down the back of my head. I sighed as I watched people outside. I need to see if my family is okay. My body was getting restless and I needed to get out of the hospital room.

I jammed my thumb into the nurse call button and sat criss-cross on my bed, waiting. Suddenly, a nurse burst through the door, completely stunned. She gave me a long, baffled stare and quickly exited the room before I could say a word. A couple of minutes later, a doctor came into the room and had the same expression on his face as the nurse did.

"Is anyone going to tell what the hell is going?" I inquired sternly. The doctor crossed to me.

"Ella, Im Doctor Savay. How are you feeling?" the middle aged man asked me.

"I feel pretty fine. More fine than I should considering the fire last night," I replied, already bored of the normal, doctor's questions.

"Last night?" the doctor questioned. "The fire happened two months ago."

My eyes went wide and my mouth dropped. "Well, then, where the hell have I been for the past two months?" my voice raised and I began to get hot.

"You were in a coma," Doctor Savay explained.

"Okay? And what made me come out?" I inquired further, possibly pressing my limits.

"Well, I'm not sure. You had a fluctuating temperature the whole time. One minuted your core temperature was sixty degrees and the next it was one hundred twelve. That's unheard of in the medical world. Impossible even," he explained with amusement.

"Then how the hell am I alive?" I asked, attempting to keep my cool.

"Ella, you died an hour ago. You flatlined, your core temperature was forty-one degrees, and you weren't breathing. I have no idea how your alive."

"What actual fuck," I muttered.

"I'll get your mother. There are some clothes your mother brought a while ago on the chair," he exited through the wooden door. I closed the shutters over the hallway windows  and changed into the jeans, t-shirt, and sweatshirt my mother had brought me sometime in my two months. I sat back onto the bed and the door of my room opened.

"Ella?" my mother's ragged voice asked from the doorway. Her face was red and blotchy, and it looked like she hadn't even stopped crying

"Yeah," I whispered, choking up at how broken my mom looked.

I stood up from my hospital bed and crossed the room to her, engulfing her in a hug.

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