Part 22- Dinner

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Gilbert smiled and held his arms wide, eyes shut enthusiastically,  awaiting a hug. After a few moments of nothing, he opened his eyes and saw Feliciano snickering in his direction and hugging his brother near death. The blond of the two blushed, and held a hand over his face to try and hide it, as a small smile crept onto his cheeks.

Gilbert sighed and stood up casually. "Well, I'll be in my room if you need me." he muttered, before climbing upstairs rather grumpily. "Well," Ludwig said loudly so his brother could hear him. "Just be down here for dinner."

Ludwig put all the cleaning supplies back into their proper places, and proceeded to into the kitchen. Feliciano plopped himself down at the kitchen table, stomach grumbling, awaiting dinner impatiently. He watched as Ludwig began the oven, and the Italian hovered above the chair slightly for a look. "What are we having?" Feliciano asked, peering over at the food. "Potatoes and wurst, I was thinking." he replied. "Mostly because that's one of the only things I'm very good at cooking." The Italian frowned. "Can we have pasta?" he said louder. Ludwig sighed and paused. "Sure, I suppose. If that's really what you want." He rolled his eyes and smiled ever so slightly, and grabbed a cooking pot from the cupboard.

"I-I can do it if you want!" Feliciano stood up hesitantly. "Luddy has been working so hard on cleaning, I promise I'll make it taste good!" He insisted with a grin. Ludwig glanced over, and smiled.

"If you really wan-" he started, but was immediately interrupted by the Italian jumping up, scooting the chair back loudly, and rushing to the counter. He placed his hands on the cold countertop and stood awkwardly a moment, in thought. "Since we don't have a whole lot of time, and I'm really hungry, do you have a box of pasta? I'll need tomatoes too." he smiled. Ludwig couldn't help but grin happily, as the brunette looked up at him, wide eyed. He was really set on making something. Ludwig grabbed a few tomatoes, and rummaged through a cabinet to get the newest box they had. He also grabbed tomato paste, to make the sauce with. He pulled down a small box of pasta from a cabinet in the pantry. "Anything else?" he asked, looking at the Brunette. Feliciano thought for a moment as he set the small dial on the stove to the correct number. "Do you have any basil?" he asked, glancing over his shoulder behind him at the German. They made a small moment of eye contact, until Ludwig blinked a few times and snapped himself out of it. "Oh, um, Yeah." he replied, automatically going to a small plant by the window and picking two or three leaves.

Feliciano began to heat water up on the stove, soon after beginning to make the sauce. "It's gonna be simple," he said looking into the pot.  "So it's not that good, but I hope you like it." He looked down at the food and began to mix ingredients and prepare everything. Glancing back, Ludwig met his eyes silently. "Go wait while I make this Luddy! It has to be a surprise! I want you to see how it looks at the end, not in between!" he insisted. Ludwig looked at him for a second, confused, before snapping out of it. He was just staring at Feliciano, and went off into a train of thought. "Oh." he pat the brunette on the shoulder before walking out of the kitchen. He sat in the living room, reading a newspaper, as the radio softly sang tunes in the background.

Only a few moments after settling down, he smelled a delicious scent flowing from the kitchen. He smiled to himself, and looked back down at the newsprint, the grin never fleeing his face. Loud thumps erupted through the household as Gilbert came rushing down the steps at an alarming pace. His large feet stamped loudly as he ran, his shoes not helping the situation, and his younger brother jumped, turning his head to make sure a rhino wasn't on the staircase. The albino, though, didn't hesitate to scramble to the kitchen and sit down at the table . "Smells awesome!" he exclaimed loudly. He licked his lips, and awaited food. Feliciano turned around and laughed, not really minding at all. It was a compliment to him that someone was so enthusiastic to taste his food, although nobody ever refused his cooking.

Soon, dinner was finished, and Gilbert shuffled in his seat, hungry enough to eat the table in front of him due to the intoxicating scent. Feliciano gave him a plate, beautifully decorated on top with sauce and the edges with basil. Only taking a half-second to admire his work, Gilbert began to wolf it down, almost forgetting to chew in the midst of it. The brunette stood next to him, and waited for him to stop and swallow his current mouthful of spaghetti. "You like it?" he asked. Gilbert's eyes widened and he turned around with a sarcastic look. "Like it?" he said, another mouthful of food shoved into his mouth. "I love it! This is the best food I've had in my whole life!." he smiled and looked back down at the plate, intent on eating more.

"Luddy!" Feliciano called from the kitchen. "It's done!". The German walked slowly to the table, inhaling the scent as he walked. The Italian stopped him before he sat, and stood on his tiptoes to nearly meet the height of Ludwig. They were close to the exact height when Feliciano straightened his back a bit more and stood atop his toes like he was. He raised a spoon up to Luddy's mouth, pasta neatly wrapped around it. "Taste?" he asked politely. Ludwig smiled and opened his mouth as Feliciano fed him the small spoonful. The German closed his eyes a moment, smiling, tasting the food. As the Italian took the spoon back, Ludwig opened his eyes up, and was immediately given and inquisitive look. "Is it good?" he asked. Ludwig nodded quickly, and chuckled. "In fact, we should have you make dinner more often!" He was handed a bowl and he sat down, beginning to eat. A proud smile covered Feliciano's face and was nearly impossible to get rid of. He was happy, no. Ecstatic, that both of them liked his meal. His family always did enjoy his cooking, but knowing that anyone might just made him even happier.

((Okay, finally done with this chapter. Sorry it took so long, broskis. I'll start on the next really soon. And, yes, I know you're excited Veda. You've reminded me tons of times, so here you are! :) Asta La Pasta!))

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