The boy who screwed you over

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Title: the boy who screwed your over.

Summary: you feel neglected, are you not good enough for him. You have enough and leave.

Warnings: none/ 3rd person

Words: 319

On a nice and warm Monday evening, the summers light raining in, y/n sits quietly.

Her knees always to her tear-stained face and her tangled hair in a mess, she sobbed to herself as she wished for her boy to-well do what he once did best, love her.

Y/n and jack, a couple for 1 Year and a couple months, she loved him ever so much but she didn't love her self nearly the same.

Every night she questioned if she was good enough. Good enough for the boy she was deeply, madly, hopelessly in love for or good enough for her parents with high standards, or her friends who were so natural and perfect or was she just not good enough for anyone.

Jack stayed out till the early hours each and mostly every night leaving her wth just a kiss on the forehead and a see you soon, babe.

All night she worries, what is he doing? Who is he with? Most importantly, are they better than her?

She missed the way he would come home and cuddle her.
She missed the way he would kiss her.
She's missed the way he loved her.

And all she could do was hope.

That's what she did until one day she gave up, she gave up hope for this boy.

She packed her things and went.
Leaving no note or anything.

She drove with bloodshot eyes, arriving at her best friends.

She stayed for a night or two before getting a phone call.

Jack wanted her home. He wanted to see her

But she didn't want to see him.

Why would you want to see the boy who screwed you over?

A/n Idk about this agh

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