Too much

400 13 6

Your P.O.V.

Mondays, no one likes it! If you like it? There must be an actual reason why but if there isn't and you like it? Get outta town!

I was in class, yep Karakura high school, like I said I was in the level of near senior.
But who cares? I just wanna get out of here and head to soul society and hang with Shuhei like promised. Shuhei only? Who am I kidding? Kira too! Also let's bring in Rangiku-san! Who am I joking? I just wanna be with Toshiro.

I miss him?

Yeah, I miss him.

I looked out the window and drifted into a small nap until my seatmate Maiko tapped me awake. Well at least I had one friend right?

"Oi Y/N you fell asleep until last period, you seem a bit drousy today" she giggles.

"Oh I was daydreaming and somehow drifted asleep" I explain to her.

"Ohh! What cha' daydreaming about?" She winks.

"Maiko!" I blush.

"C'mon you can tell me while we walk home" She says and fixes her stuff to go.

So I nodded at her and fixed my own stuff too, I grabbed my bag (it's a shoulder bag) and drapped it on my shoulder waiting for her.

"Okay that's all let's get going" She exclaims and leads the way out.

"So?" She starts as we arrived outside of the building.

"I was just thinking about ways to get out of that boring class" I laughed.

"Boring! Spill the beans!" She yells.

"Hush Maiko! You're making people stare" I say as I nudge her on the shoulder.

"Yeah yeah" She says.

Suddenly a car runs a front of the gate and the passenger's seat window rolls down.

"Maiko-san you are told to go home at once" the driver says.

Okay I knew she was wealthy but a driver? Seriously? I walk home and to school by myself.

"Oh but I wanted to walk home with Y/N-chan" She says pouting.

"Sorry Maiko-san maybe tomorrow" the man says as he gets out of the car and opens the backseat for Maiko.

"Sorry Y/N-chan! Tell me tomorrow!" She smiles and there goes her car.

When she left I sighed, alone again.

How great? I looked behind me to see the seniors out as well. Would it hurt to say hi to 'friends'?

I waited for Orihime mostly cause well she's someone who can lighten up anyone's mood. After a while of waiting for her to show up I see a familiar orange hair with a tall brown headed one.

"Hey Ichigo! Sado!" I yelled.

They walked towards me and I see Orihime running behind them.

"Orihime-chan!" I smile abd run to her in a hug.

"Hey there Y/N-chan" she smiles and hugs back.

When we let go Ichigo clears his throat.

"You went to Soul Society?" Ichigo starts.

"Uh yeah" I answer.

"How are they?" He asks.

"Oh everything's fine" I smile reassuring him.

"Good to hear that" He smiles and breathes in.

"Well I guess I'll head off now" I tell them and wave.

"Take care Y/N-chan!" Orihime yells.

"She's right!" Ichigo yells taking second vote on Orihime's remark.

Chad just waves goodbye as well.

I nod and wave goodbye

As I was walking I decided to walk near the river, a small walk wouldn't hurt anyone right?

Suddenly I hear a ruffle from behind me.

I look behind and see no one but some pebbles. I raise my shoulders and walk on, I started to feel someone's presence behind me so I start to panic, should I release my armor? Or run like a wimp?

I felt like running like a wimp if you ask me but someone tapped my shoulder.

"Oh hell no!" I yell.

I tapped my arms and feet to release my armor and go on defense mode to the person behind me. I look behind me to see none other than the person I always wanted to see right now!

"Toshiro!" I yell in relief.

"Calm down Y/N" he says and gestures me to calm down.

"Oh sorry" I smile nervously and retract the armor.

I look at him and smile.

"So what brings you here?" I start.

"Well I was done with paperwork so I thought I could just bring back your bracelets" He says bringing out his hand from his pocket showing me the bracelets.

"Oh yeah thanks, I was dozing off in class thinking about going to seireitei myself" I laughed.

"I can relate" He says quietly.

"Really?" I say showing curiosity.

"Yes really, to be honest I think I was" he says then mumbles the last part to himself.

"You were what?" I say starting to blush.

It isn't bad to dream about him missing me is it?

"I was missing you" he replied shyly.

I was shocked from what he said, is this real? The actual cute,short,prodigy,and 10th Division Captain missed me? It seems like a dream, a dream come true!

"Well if I'm completely honest" I paused and looked at him as he looked at me with the sun goes down with our scenery.

"I was missing you too" I say shyly as well and blush like a tomato from what I just actually said to him.

He smiles of relief and steps closer to me, he raises my chin up to look at him (We're shorter than him for now) in the eyes.

"L/N Y/N I think I have feelings for you" he smiles softly.

I was so shocked my lips parted, but not like open open! I don't wanna embarrass myself now.

"Well Hitsugaya Toshiro I know so I have feelings for you" I blush bright red.

"I'm glad the feelings are mutual" he exhales and suddenly snakes his arms around my waist to hug me.

What?! This is to good to be true! But it is true! (I wish) I didn't know how to react but I eased myself up and wrapped my arms around his neck and hug him back.

He let's go and holds up my face with both hands cupping my cheeks.

"Lets keep this from Rangiku first yeah?" He laughs.

"Whatever you say Shiro-chan" I wink.

He blushes. He blushed! How lucky I am to see his most adorable side ever!!!

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