Chapter 3

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Chapter 3- Sorry guys I haven't updated for the longest time and well I won't be getting into it because of personal problems (my mom got cancer and we all had to take care of her for a year since she can't do anything by herself), but good news is that she survived it, you might see me online reading things, I only had the time to read other people's stories (It also didn't help that I have writer's block) and sorry I keep switching between Trent and Dawson although his name is Trent Dawson. I'm going to keep on using Dawson from here on out. Well this is the next chapter and I hope you enjoy it. Sorry again for the long wait. Now on to the chapter. I also added a sentence or two in this chapter.

Jasper's POV

What did happen last night? I kept on thinking about it while I walked from the bedroom to the kitchen. I didn't realize that I am now in the kitchen, well I wouldn't realize it until Dawson said something. "So what you want for breakfast Jasper? Eggs or Toast?"

"How do you know what I like to eat for breakfast?

"Well you kept mumbling in your sleep about what to eat in the morning, eggs or toast."

I blushed then blanked out for a bit deciding what to eat. He touched my hand, and the same as usual when I came out of my daze I only feel lust, strong lust to pounce his body. Sigh. Just as well. Maybe he is not the one for me.

Now how to get rid of this lust?

Grandma in bikinis, someone puking on top of my head, someone farted in my face. Oh yeah the last one certainly did it. (I had this happened to me a few times hahaha....).

I turn to Dawson, "I don't know who you are and I just met you yesterday, I don't feel comfortable with you using my kitchen and making me breakfast, So I would like you to leave right now. Thank you. That will be very much appreciated."

Dawson drops his happy smile. "Geez, but I'm your boyfriend, we've been dating since last night."

With no more thought in mind and asking what happened I immediately said, "Well I'm breaking this thing up. Now grab your coat and leave, I will call the police for some restraining order."

I grabbed his coat handed it to him, opened the door and turn around to see that he is heading to my room.

"Hey there is nothing to look for there. "

"I think I dropped my phone here." "Ah-ha found the phone, I will leave the place now because I too have to work but bear this in mind I will return back here. And we can only agree it's done when I dropped the ball."

With that he gets out of the apartment and by the way I have a key to your apartment. He smiles and gives me a chaste kiss then skips happily out of the apartment.

I am starting to wonder. "What did happen last night?"

There will be more to come... Sorry this is such a short chapter, but this is the best I can manage. I will be updating short chapters since it is more my style.

See you next time!!! –Camerashy-

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