Untitled Part 1

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I watched as sanji defeated a few of the marines who were trying to fight me. Yes i was a straw hat and yes i was strong but at the moment, i was feeling kind of lazy, so i let the men do the work.

"Are you seriously going to sit there and do nothing?!" asked zoro as he sliced one of his opponents across the chest.

"I'm not doing nothing." i pointed to the blond.

"i'm watching my lover."

"You may be his girlfriend but he surely doesn't treat you like it, hell, he seems to be more interested in me then he is you " i bonked the grass haired man and growled.

"Shut it, before you don't have a mouth to talk crap with anymore."

"hey, (y/n) we gotta go." i nodded to my captain and began to leave towards the ship, just then sanji came up beside me.

"Hey." i only hummed in response.

"What should i make for dinner tonight."

"Well i killed this really huge crab the other day, so i guess you could do something with that."

"M'kay, see ya." and with that he was gone. Once i got to the boat, i took a seat on zoro's lap.

"Get off of me i'm tired." he groaned as he half-heartedly pushed me off of him.

"No, i'm bored and you're the only person i can annoy."

"Fine." i leaned against his chest and sighed in contempt. My eyes slowly began to get heavy and before i knew it, i had fallen asleep.

(30 minutes later)

I felt warm arms pick me up and automatically held a gun to the person's head.

"Do you want something?" i gradually opened my eyes but as soon as i did, i wish i never had. Sanji was giving me a deadly glare as he held me in his arms.

"Well if you're going to act that way..." he let me go and i hit the floor with a loud thud.

"Hey dickwad that fucking hurt."

"You shouldn't have held a gun to my head."

"Well you should have woken me up more appropriately."

"Aww did sleeping beauty want a kiss?" our heads rubbed against each other as our voices began to raise.

"It would have been better then dropping me on the ground idiot."

"And actually saying thank you, would have been better then threatening to shoot me"

"At least i don't look like a stripper when i fight."

"And at least i don't cheat on my lover."

"How the hell was i cheating on you!?"

"I saw you sleeping on moss head's lap."

"I can't spend some quality time with a friend?"

"If quality time with a friend includes lap dancing, then no!" 'great another fight.' see me and sanji had been arguing alot lately and so far things weren't getting better despite it going on for three months now.

"It wasn't a lap dance dumbass, it was a nap."

"Then why don't you come to me for that type of stuff."

"Because you were cooking!"

"Well i must be cooking a lot lately because it's been three months since you actually spent any time with me, I wouldn't mind if you checked up on me every once in awhile!" by now the whole crew had their attention on our lover's quarrel.

"Well if you stopped flirting with every woman you met and instead pay attention to the woman who gave you her v-card then maybe, i would want to spend time with you." he crossed his arms and looked away from me.

"It's not my fault that they look ten times better than you." my pupil's became slitted and i slammed his head into the deck of the ship.

"My ship!!" yelled Usopp

"Dipshit, you should probably think before you speak next time!" he got up and shook his head of the wood that got in his hair.

"What's that supposed to mean?" snarled the cook

"What do you think it means, you're a piece of crap, you smell like shit and i bet a rat could cook better than you." he held his head down so that i couldn't see his eyes and everyone froze.

"I don't usually hurt women but you might just be an exception."

"Aww would you look at that, little dicky wants to fight." my voice was sickly sweet but suddenly all kindness disappeared from my eyes and my voice went down  whole another octave.

"I dare you to put a single scratch on me."

"My pleasure." he launched at me for some type of epic leg move though i stopped him with a foot to his stomach and a gun to his face. He was about to get up but i prevented him from doing so.

"Don't, my boots have hidden knives in them, make one wrong move and your intestines might just fall out." he stared at me in shock before giving up.

"Fine, i give up." with a devilish smirk on my face, i took my foot off of my supposed sweetheart and left the scene.

(author p.o.v)

Everyone held some type of sympathy for Sanji, even zoro felt bad for him.

"Hey are you.." started nami but sanji stopped her.

"I'm fine just make sure that (y/n) and i don't run into each other or we'll probably have another fight." his voice was cold and somewhat sad but his face was apathetic.

The next day sanji tried to apologize to his girlfriend but the (h/c) haired girl wasn't having it and decided to end things between them.

"I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Said you after every fight we've had and then few minutes later were fucking each other senseless."

"But love..."

"Don't call me love."

"(y/n), don't leave me."

"I already have, now get out so that i can change." the blond stood up and began kiss down her neck and to her collar bone.

"You are my air."

"Well then i guess you're going to suffocate." she pushed him away and walked out the door. The crew stopped what they were doing and looked to the couple to see the results of sanji's smooth talking, though the depressed look on the cook's face was enough for them to know that the love between the two, was now nonexistent.


"Dude i said no, now go get a life." with that she took a spot next to robin and the two women began to talk.

"Are you really leaving him?"

"When last have you seen him try to hold me?"

"The last time you had a fight."

"Exactly, he only starts to care when it's too late and i already know he's been cheating on me" the noirette tilted her head.


"Yeah, every time we left him alone on the ship when we came back, i would always find a used condom on our bed. Truth be told, i feel stupid for staying with him so long.

"Did you ever talk to him about it?"

"Not once, but who cares life is good, right?" they both shared a laugh and smiled at each other before picking up a book from the pile in between them and reading their troubles away.

my 'wonderful' boyfriend (sanji x reader)Where stories live. Discover now