Chapter 2: 2 Days Later

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Riley's POV

I force my eyes open and see the basement ceiling. I am still in the basement which is a good thing I guess. I sit up slowly only to have a pounding headache which causes me to grip my head in pain.

"Man my head hurts. What the hay happened?" I say and slowly stand up and walk upstairs. When I open- nevermind the door collapsed before I could even touch it... I look through the door frame and see the house is nearly demolished.

"WHAT?" I shout and look around quickly. When did any of this happen?! I start tossing small parts of debri aside trying to see if there is anything left.

"Mom?!" I shout and start running outside. As soon as I exit the demolished house all I see is a fog and destruction. Trees have been destroyed, some buildings close to us aren't there anymore, the whole place looked like a warzone. I start walking around yelling for mom to come out. Was I all alone out here? I am only twelve I can't survive out here alone! No don't freak out yet just continue walking and look around for anything useful or for mom. I start walking into the town which looks similar to my neighbors and my house, destroyed. I entered a few buildings here and there but there wasn't anything or anyone in sight. As I continued my walk I hear some howling behind me and turn around. Welp I was wrong.... There is a massive, black rabid looking wolf with giant antlers sticking out if his head and massive claws, and of course the big teeth.

"Be a nice doggy?" I say with a little chuckle before running and screaming as it began to chase me. I kept tripping over my own feet and the wolf or whatever it is was fast but I saw a convenient store and run into it and slamming the door shut. The wolf immediately begin to scratch at it as I started to block the door. I look around and see some holes in the roof and the walls are cracked, but in over all this place seems decent... Maybe I can stay here for awhile? I mean it's not like no one is coming back for it obviously. First things first is to block any open windows and massive holes in the walls right? That's what they do in zombie Apocalypses but of course I don't see any zombies really, which is good.

"I really should tidy this place up." I whisper to myself and begin to block up stuff and moving things around.


It has been maybe a few hours and it was now later afternoon. I am guessing I woke up around midday or afternoon. The place looked a lot better, the cash register area didn't have the counter so I had more room, there was still drinks and food left which was good, the shelves were either used to block up things or used to hold supplies, and I used the floor as a bed. Maybe I should go outside and check if the wolf is still there and go home and grab more things? I slowly make my way to the old door and crack it open just enough for me to poke my head through it. I didn't see anything and slowly moved farther from it.

"No wolf?" I ask myself and begin to walk away from the convenient store. I should stop calling it that.

"Hmm what should I name it?" I also myself and look up at the sky and continue walking to the house that is until I tripped over my own feet and pushed myself back up, I continue walking. The hideout? No it's not even hidden really. The safety house? To original. Eh I will come up with it later. After about twenty minutes I was at the demolished rubble I call home.

"Home sweet nothing!" I say and wave my arms around. I quickly go inside the shed which had a big trailer in it for carrying stuff. Maybe I can use it to carry some stuff. This trailer my mom improved to have more the four wheels, it instead has six wheels and there still good too! I pull it out and wheel it Infront if the door and begin bringing stuff out. The house is pretty​ demolished but there is still some good stuff in here like: the mattress, some chairs, a few clothes that weren't as bad as my current clothes, a tiny coffee table, and some more food and water. I ended up in my room and stared at it. Nearly everything in here was gone, the only thing left was my chest at the foot of where the bed is. I grabbed it and pushed it towards the bedroom door and look back at the room. This was where I did nearly all my first, my first words were in here, my first steps was in here, basically everything. I know after by the looks of today I won't come back here for a long time. I am gonna miss the rooms pastel blue wallpaper and the white carpet floor, but of course that's all in the past now I guess. I turn around and continue to push the chest out if the room and somehow manage to push it downstairs and onto the trailer. I pushed the trailer but of course it's kind of heavy so it moved slowly, but hey I am gonna take anything I can get at this moment. Maybe I can even find mom while going back to the convenient store. I continue pushing the trailer as fast as I can even though it isn't really going that fast.

Sorry for the late update! Hopefully you enjoy this! As of today the characters: Lunar and Celeste will be removed from the story. Sorry if ya loved them but they had to go for reasons. We would appreciate feedback and ideas you have! What do you think Riley should name her survival house? If I like the name I will make name it that! Cya! -QueenDominion

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2017 ⏰

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