Eliza Sevilla

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(Part of idontgiveone werewolf rp, 'To Survive)

Name: Eliza Sevilla
Age: 56
Gender: female
Species: human
Sexuality: straight

Personality: Eliza is kind and very motherly. When she was younger she once had a wild heart and dreamed big, however now as she moves on in life she much more content with quiet living

Appearance: (in media how she looked in her prime)
a petite woman about 5'3" but with a curvy, slightly plump body. She's got luscious honey brown hair that falls just below her shoulders in tumbling waves. To accompany her attractive hair she has deep light brown eyes with golden flecks in them. Her chest is a medium size and sadly not as perky as they once was, however she will be forever grateful for push-up bras

Backstory: Eliza grew up on the family farm and learnt to ride from an early age. With a wild adventurous heart she dreamed of the big smoke and of monsters and mayhem and all things fantasmal! She was an animal lover from an early age, her favourites being horses and wolves. She used to hear them at night, calling to each other; they were her lullaby. Eliza fondly remembers the night she heard horses neighing outside and when she ran out a wolf, wild and beautiful, was standing in the training ring. However before she could investigate further her papa came running out with a gun, firing it into the sky to scare away the majestic creature of the night.

She did eventually move to the big smoke after graduating school so she could go to college. It was there she met her life long friends Meg, Diane, Hannah and Joan. They had as much spirit as she and so would spend majority of their time out and about, partying and what not. However after her 3 years at college she finally met a man she was happy to settle with and so her wild heart ceased.

Happily married to him for 18 years before he was in an accident. A head on collision with an incoming bus; fortunately everyone in the bus was fine. Her husband however died on impact. She didn't even get to say goodbye.

For a long time her heart ached for her lost love and now she's finally getting into routine again. She works 9 till 4 every day at her little florist shop, Golden Blooms, and then cooks herself dinner and goes to bed early afterwards. However tonight the girls are getting back together. Meg, Diane, Hanna and Joan have turned up at Eliza's doorstep because they've had enough of her moping! It's time for her to gret out into the world again...

Other: none

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