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Demon!Dean is a grrr8 thing, right. ofc it is. who doesnt love a good demon!dean


I just read a fic that had demon!dean abusing cas.

How many times will I say this before I just give up on the world?


like i said in the previous chapter,

depression is not a romantic gesture, and it should never be fantasized about.

List of things that should not be romantasized

1. Abuse
2. Rape
3. Depression
4. Anxiety
5. Ptsd
6. Use common sense to figure out the rest

It was similar to this:

"Dean, stop!" Cas cried, despite the fact his throat was aching, and his head was throbbing.

"You're useless, Cas. How did I ever love an angel that never healed anything. You only mess up the world, stop trying to fix it."

Cas looked to the floor, his fingers had blood on them, and he was getting it on the floor.

"I'll be back. This mess will be cleaned when I get back, you understand?"

Cas could do nothing, except nod.

This, while hard to read, is not a bad description of abuse.It's verbal and physical abuse. The rest of the story begins to show a Harley Quinn/Joker scenario. Except it includes Cas being chained and liking it (not kink shaming just spitting out the truth), only to turn back around and show he hates the chains and abuse, and himself because of it.


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