Chapter 1 - The Apocalypse Kat

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Wrote this story a coupe of years ago and i found it on my parent's old PC, i thought it had some potential so i rescued it hope you like it. Massive appriciation to Jynxii fot editing for me :D


You know they say that when you die you will see the flashback of your entire life. Well it’s not true; I mean really, if you get hit by a train all you have time to think is ‘oh shit’ and if you’re dying painfully all you feel is the pain of your battered body and the drops of your blood seeping away from you slowly but as surely as your life.

But then again, how would I know? It’s not like I’m dying or anything. Sure, I am laying in a gutter, my body battered and twisted in odd angles, my mind fogged in pain, but I wasn’t dying. Nature was too cruel to let me rest.

No, it seems the higher power had other plans for me- if only I knew what.

I’ve been in this position enough times to know that nobody was going to come for me and after a while I will haveto get myself up and go to Zen’s to be patched up bandaged and good as a Raggedy Ann doll in a junk yard.

Don’t judge, I am allowed self-pity once in a while. After all, I am in the sewers of London and wallowing in something that definitely did not smell like self-pity.

After half an hour of mourning yet another pair of jeans, I dragged my broken body to Zen’s. A journey that would normally take ten minutes took me an hour, but hey, give me a break; I think my ankle is broken. I took a deep breath and was struck with sudden pain across my chest and arm. And a rib, I added to my list. Probably a collar bone too. I don’t think the amount of blood I lost helped much either. I barely made it to Zen’s door before my leg gave out.

Zen’s daughter Darla rushed to help me.

“Hey Dar, how’s your week?” I smirked.She gave one look at me and rolled her eyes.

“Not as exciting as yours I bet” she answered.

Don’t worry, she’s not a cold bitch or anything, but when you see a person battered every other week it takes away the surprise. She barely put me to bed when I passed out.

Okay while they take care of my body here is a quick history lesson.

Its 2029 and the world has descended into a chaos. The world had divided into the rich and the poor. The rich has made a parameter around every major city in the world; Berlin, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Paris, Madrid, London, and etc. You’d think the rich would come up with a more original idea like a force field or something but it seems the human development stopped with 3D Nintendos.

The world has been battered with earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, bush fires. Some called it God’s judgment, others- apocalypse; then they came. 'They' are not aliens- they have been here long before we ever realized, unseen, blending in, killing the occasional person who saw too, much having children with some . . . . But the fragmentation of the world made it harder to hide their abnormalities, their powers. Who they were- or should it be what they were. So humanity came to know of their existence, well at least the chosen few those who saw but didn’t speak of it

A loud crash woke me up. I don’t know how long I’ve been asleep, but I felt great like I had caffeine shots. The crash seemed to come from Darla knocking into her father’s surgical tray probably for the bazillionth time that day.

“Your grace is astonishing, Dar. Why you aren’t in the national ballet? Their school is quite amazing.”

She gave me her ‘not amused’ look before screaming.

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