Chapter 2 - The Kat in the trap

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Something hard against my back woke me up. Instantly my head was clear and I was alert- even my breathing and heart rate was even. Nothing to give away that I was awake but my mind was reeling with possibilities.

Where was I?

Who had me?

Did they know who I was?

I mentally rolled my eyes. Of course they knew who I was; if not they wouldn’t have bothered to kidnap me. But I took comfort in knowing they had no idea what I was.

The must have given me some sort of a tranquilizer, I thought as my mind fogged for a brief second before my amazingly awesome supernatural genes pushed it out of my system faster that a human could.

I listened to the voices that whispered around. There were five voices; males and females, but there was another who didn’t talk- I was sure of it. My heightened sense of smell told me as much, but I was not a hound dog. I couldn’t tell the species of every single person. All of a sudden an argument erupted with several voices shouting at the same time.

“Whose ass do I have to kick to get some peace and quiet here?” I shouted.

Silence fell.

“That’s better.” I muttered before flipping around to sleep some more but the bed was lumpy and uncomfortable. “I hate prison bed.” I sighed before complaining. “If you were going to kidnap me can you get a better bed, I mean really, hasn’t your mum thought you manners?”

I cracked my eyes open to see that we were in a large room with me as the centerpiece inside the biggest cage I’ve ever seen before. “I ain’t killing any rich men for you so you can forget it.”

“What makes you think we wanted you to kill someone for us?” A tall, leggy blond asked.

I snorted.

“Oh please, you wouldn’t have bothered to bring me here if you didn’t want something from me. You would probably have shot me where I was sleeping. I know exactly who you are so you can take your little bounty hunts and shove it where the sun don’t shine, ‘coz I am not becoming a Trinity lap dog even if you pay me.”

I closed my eyes and lay back on the bed, ignoring the murmurs.

“Get up and talk!” a new voice came, masculine and this time authoritative . . . I knew who it belonged to.

“I am not one of your lap dogs Admiral Jenson. You don’t have a say over me either. Kill me or let me sleep this tranquilizer off ‘coz the dose you gave me could knock out a horse.”

Somebody swore.

“Listen here, little girl, we are not playing a game here. You cooperate or—“

Before anyone had realized what I planned, I leapt of the bed and had him by his tie against the bars. “Or what Admiral you’ll kill me, torture me put me in prison? Please, like that scares me. I’ll just kill all of your prisoners and serve some justice . . . . Let’s face it, people; you have no claim over me, no bargaining chip”

The weapons they had kept well hidden were now all pointed at me. I laughed softly and backed away. I sat back down on the bed, finding a comfortable position on the lumpy matrass.

“Well that’s what you think. You remember your friend Lilia?” his nasty smile crept into his face. Anger sparked at the mention of her name. She was my best friend and my almost guardian for four years.

She was a nurse who thought to help people before . . . I can’t get sidetracked now, I actually have to listen to this guy- not show any weakness.

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