Chapter One

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That morning, I was sitting on the marble steps of the school. The boys did not fail to observe sideways handkerchief on his head. A few strands hanging from the scarf that hid the sad truth of my illness. I had nothing more nor less than liver cancer, and chemotherapy, the treatment used to try to cure him. Another time, I would have removed the hair completely, but I think it would be best to leave at least the strands of the edges to not be completely bald. I do not hear much of what people, even the teachers are whispered, not because I affect the ear, but because I prefer not regret returning to class. I want to make clear, that was back by John and Uma, my best friends in life. Find Out with Uma, and her red hair with black buckles that always wore. In his worn boots and your motorcycle style leather jacket, he so adored. But just look away from my old jeans I run into the cold stares of my classmates, who say "I'm sorry" and continue long into the auditorium. Actually it was raining, but I had nothing to lose, because it would be in the early hours, math, language, art and biology because I loved and wanted to participate in this class. The rain had increased and I fell more jets. I enter and search an awning. I ran to find him dodging the puddles to the shelter with me and plants, and they were all engaged in the assembly hall. I could sit and place the bag next to me. Uma could not miss, or that organs would be without her, not me. Finally, more idiots boots water he had seen, including details of Batman and Superman, began running in my direction. I think John is either stupid or lacks shame.Boots Batman!A fourteen!. I was passing by and I began to cry as he could. 

- Jhon - screaming. After three calls, the deaf came very wobbly. He stared at me and noticed that he did not bring those gigantic glassesThey shot me and smiled at me. My corners were raised though my situation was to keep them low and not even look up. But John was my best friend, and if someone brought me a smile, was the. But there were many smiles Uma. We limit the conversation to my illness and the trip last year. They had organized to the program where two schools compete for the trip, and wanted me to be. Sure going to participate in a trip that not even going to go, I was not amused. 

-I'll watch, if you like, 'he said hesitantly. - I do not think they'll let me participate. 

Jhon on sight. I think everybody had happened about my cancer, and had organized everything without even thinking about me. But as we were, and there was no other choice but to go. Also, Uma and John were going, so here quietly could help them win the trip.

Well,' began Jhon - Maybe the end of the year and you're cured. 

-I doubt it, I said with a grimly Not so easy. 

A hug from Uma interrupted the conversation. His back was to the door, focusing on John and Uma appeared and you miss me over, pulling the handkerchief was so well set on his head. The shame was so great, I cried, I yelled at Uma and then ended with laughter. Two minutes later, we were still laughing. 

- How are you - Uma asked hugging me again. 

A moment ago was fine .... - I say and I get another wild embrace.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2014 ⏰

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