True Objective - Midorya Izuku x Reader

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Name: Midoriya Izuku
Class: Hero
Quirk: One For All
- Superhero strength that was passed down from his number one role model: All Might
Objective: Get Home To His Mother

Midoriya smiled as he looked from on top of a rooftop, overlooking his childhood town. For being the Number Hero, he has taken the role of many as he was a life savior, spokesperson and sometimes an undercover agent. However, Midoriya loves his job tremendously as he fills with joy every time the people just thank him for being the kind person he is. Stretching his legs a bit more, he readjusted his bag that was over his shoulder and leaped off the rooftop.

He caught a glimpse at some towns folk over looking the sky as they waved at his direction. Sending them a large smile, he waved at them before hopping onto another rooftop. Making his way through town, he was able to stop in front of the building where his mother resided. As he opened the door, he was greeted to his mother running down the corridor and jumping to his arms.


"Thank you mother, I'm home."

He chuckled before he placed his mom back down to her feet. She continued to tell him about her day until she stopped her rant to gently place her hand on his arm.

"Oh, I almost forgot! We have a guest waiting in the living room."

"A guest? Who?"

His mother started to lead him down the hall, Midoriya was slightly confused until he was met with a [ h/c ] woman sitting on the couch. She looked up from her nails to hear someone in the room, a soft smile adoring her lips as she stood from her spot. Midoriya blinked before a blush coated his cheeks, slightly overwhelmed that someone beautiful was in his house.

"Hello Mr. Deku, my name is [ l/n ]. It's a pleasure and honor to meet you in person."

"Th-The pleasure is mine.."

Midoriya shook her hand meekly, rubbing the back of his head with his spare hand. Once Midoriya sat down while his mother went to fetch another drink, she sat down right after him.

"I don't mean to intrude in your personal home but..I was hoping to get in touch with you about a mission."

"A mission?"

"Yes..You see, the King of the Galrian empire will be visiting the Imperial Court in Kamino next week. There are rumors that a group of assassins will be raiding the meeting and will try and annihilate the king. It would be an honor if you, Mr. Deku, could take upon this project and help."

She bowed in her seat, Midoriya looking at her with one brow raised in suspicion. "And how do you know that..?"

"O-Oh! I'm sorry..I work with the police department in Kamino. It was probably misleading with my civilian clothes. I apologize.."

"N-No no, it's fine..I just wanted to clarify. However, do you have more information on this case?"

She nodded as she pulled out a Manila Folder from her bag, presenting it towards him. As Midoriya took upon the file, his mother came back with another drink and some more snacks. She offered some to the [ h/c ] girl as she gently took a checkered cookie. Midoriya was looking down at the typed up files, but while he was slightly distracted from the small chit chat that was coming from the two women. Midoriya slowly looked up from the filed papers to look at the [ h/c ] girl in front of him, quickly looking down when she moved her attention to him.

"We-Well..from the looks of it; It's going to be a simple capture of the assassin, yes?"

"Yes sir."

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