Chapter 4

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Ben had been quite the entire ride mulling over the fact that he actually found his best friend after six years of not fully know where he was. But that wouldn't be the whole truth. Ben had known where his best friend had scurried off too because when he opened the garden to plate restaurant everybody took notice of him. Ben had been researching a big-name celebrity athlete, and they had just taken a few shots with the millionaire restaurateur. Imagine Ben's surprise when he saw those baby blue eyes staring at the camera. Sure his hair was longer, and maybe a little lighter from being that close to the beach. Ben figured that his buddy was always out in the sand in some way or out in the surf. The boy loves the ocean they went every year they could manage the money to get away.

The car pulled in front their hotel, and Ben helped his girlfriend out of the car as the driver opened her door. She didn't pay him any attention as she walked past through the doors of the hotel focused on her phone emailing her editor. Ben mopped all the way back to the room thinking about his best friend. Back in the room, Kristi sat down her phone as Ben let out another sad sigh. "What is eating at you, Hun. You haven't said two words since leaving the restaurant." Kristi said as she rubbed the top of his head. She was sweet, and Ben really saw love in her eyes when she looked at him. But, her first priority is always her career.

"I'm just worried that Willy won't want to be my best man or my friend. I know that sounds childish, and a little out of character for me," Ben thought as he said it. This type of behavior was way out of character for him. He had a love them and leave them to type attitude when it came to dating girls, and he didn't have a lot of close friends because he carried the same policy over to his friendships. Honestly, Kristi was engaged to him because she didn't rock his boat too much, and she kept to herself. But, Wilson was different they had been through it all together. He couldn't see his life without him period. "I need him in my life."

"You know what? When that door closed he talked about you constantly and asked what you have been up to. He spent the whole first thirty minutes talking about you," Kristi said as a smile crept across Ben chiseled face. "It's obvious, he cares deeply for you." She sat down in his lap with that last statement. "But that is just what I got from him. You should ask around because he seems to be a popular guy here. You should do some snooping, and see what you uncover. You were an investigative journalist before you became a lazy sports reporter."

Ben rolled his eyes at the last statement and needed to defend himself, "I am still a journalist even if I don't air out people's laundry like you and your cohorts. But maybe asking around to see what people have to say about the friend I haven't seen in six years." Ben had to say this plan did seem like he was invading Ben's privacy a little. There was a problem that Ben would encounter, Wilson knew lots of famous people how could he get to talk to them. Ben thought that maybe Kristi knew of a way. "How do you suppose I get to talk to people like the governor?"

"That does sound like a brick wall. Give me a little bit, and I will see if I can come up with something to get us in to talk with him." Kristi got up and started typing on her phone again. Ben was left alone laying back on the rumpled bed sheet of the hotel bed. This will work out, and they will be friends again. Ben closed his eyes.

Ben's moment of Zen was interrupted by the silent buzz coming from his cell phone. "Babe, have you seen my phone," Ben called out into the empty hotel room. Kristi was not there in the front room, but she was nowhere to be found. Walking back toward the bed, he caught a flash of light coming from the covers where his body was had made an indent in the mattress. There on the screen was a number he didn't recognize, but being a journalist he answered every call. "Hello?"

"Hey, Ben. It's Wilson." The familiar voice flowed over the speaker on the iPhone, and into Ben's ear. The person speaking on the other end had caught Ben by surprise. He was on the phone with his best friend, but he didn't give him a contact number. Then again, he probably took his chances and dialed Ben's old number. He hadn't changed that number since he got his first cellphone. Ben realized that he had spent a large amount of time being silent by the time he heard, "Ben, you there."

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