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"Scarlett! I'm going out." I heard my dad scream at me from the kitchen.

"Again?" I asked him as I walked towards his voice. "I hardly see you nowadays and when I do you're high or drunk."

“I don’t see how what i do is any of your business. I provide for you which should be more than enough for you to stop complaining.” He angrily replied.

“How dare you say that you provide for me? When all you do is waste the money on your addictions. Ever since mom abandoned us I’ve had to take care of myself.”

“You selfish little girl, don’t you think it hurt me as well when your mom left us? Just seeing your face everyday brings back all those memories!”

“I hate you! You’re the worst father!”I yelled at him with pure hatred.

“You ungrateful girl!” he roared as he took a step closer to me and slapped me hard across my cheek. With that he stormed out of the house and slammed the door shut.

I felt my cheek sting as tears rolled down my face. With these tears I let out all the pain and anger I had been holding in for the past seven years. Not only had I lost my mother when she left us, but also my father.

A sudden knock brought me back to reality. I groaned as I remembered that I had promised my best friend Annie that I would go with her to her boyfriends party. I got my jacket and wiped my face of the tears as I opened the door. And there stood Annie with an enthusiastic smile.

“I’m ready, let’s go,” I said as I closed the door and started walking down the street with Annie by my side. After a while of walking she glanced at me with a worried expression and asked “What happened to your cheek?”

I suddenly remembered that I hadn’t tried to cover my fathers abuse. “Oh, I hit myself with the door on accident.” I muttered.

“Really? You’re going to use that excuse again?”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Scarlett I’ve noticed these unexplained bruises on you. You know you can tell me if something is going on with your father.”

“No! It’s nothing really you don’t have to be worried.”

“But Scarlett-,” she urged.

"Oh look isn't this the place?" I interrupted. "Let's go in." As I dragged her in, not giving her the opportunity to respond.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2014 ⏰

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