Chapter Three

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"Haymitch?" He turns around slowly.

"What do you want?" I can't decide if he's been drinking or if he's just a total prick.

"You said you wanted to talk," I am not impressed with hiss attitude.

"Yeah, I did. You're about 24 hours too late," he turns back around towards the television.

"Sorry. Effie cut me off before I could get to you yesterday."

"It's cool. Lets go find somewhere private to talk," he stands up and walks towards the door.

I follow Haymitch to the elevator. I had been in it earlier, but the speed still amazed me. We get off at what I think is our destination, but Haymitch leads us up a flight of stairs and to a door. We step out onto the roof.

"The roof?" I look at him questioningly.

We stand at the edge and look at the Capitol.

"I found it when I was in the games. I came up here every night to think. I was never able to sleep. Same thing every time I've had to mentor. I always have a bottle with me though," he says.

But he doesn't have a bottle with him tonight.

"So you've come up here for the past ten years."

"Don't make me seem older than I am," he laughs.

"How old is that again? Is it ninety nine? I joke.

He really isn't as bad I thought. We both laugh.

"I'm only twenty six!"

I laugh again and Haymitch joins me.

My smile fades as I realize what I need to ask.

"I need to ask you about the games."

Haymitch sighs and sits down. I sit next to him.


"What do I need to do to make it out of there or at least have a chance?"

"Stay away from the Cornucopia, avoid the careers, and stay alive," He makes it seem so simple.

I think he's done, but he starts talking again.

"Don't go looking for a fight. If it comes to you, fight back. Hard. If not, try not to do anything that will have the Gamemakers trying to kill you. First thing you do is find water. Then find a weapon, make a weapon, whatever."

Its obvious this is hard for him to talk about, but I have to know everything.

"Haymitch, how did you win?"

"I don't talk about that," Haymitch says quietly.

"Please? I won't tell Landon if you don't want me to," I promise.

"That's not why. I relive it every night. I can't sleep in the dark. I keep a knife with me all the time. Not to mention a bottle," he laughs lowly.

"Please. I need all the help I can get. Please Haymitch."

"Listen, you're fit and strong, and probably fast. Here's another piece of advice: run and run fast."

I can tell he wants to change the topic, but I just nod.

"How did you know to move in time for that axe to miss you?"

"So you do know how my games went. I didn't. I hoped for the best," he stops, "you were only eight or nine, how do you remember? "

"Maysilee Donner was my mother and aunt's friend. I watched every minute and I remember it. It's the only one I watched completely. Well there was another reason too," I mentally slap myself for saying that.

Love in the Games: Hunger Games Fan FictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang