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Hi there! Thanks for checking this RP book out, I appreciate it!

So, the rules:
1. Do not make your character OP. If your character is an animus, don't enchant the mountain to fall or something like that, or if you have a strong character don't go killing everyone in RP. Just don't. You will be kicked from the roleplay if you do that.

2. Please do not roleplay until I accept you. You will know I have accepted you because I will reply to your comment telling you!

3. Hate the character, not the roleplayer. Please don't be mean to each other. (RP excluded)

4. Do not kill another character unless the roleplayer of the character gives you permission.

5. This is optional, but highly recommended.
Please don't roleplay like this: -eats fruit and flies away-
And please DO roleplay like this:
Hibiscus nibbled on a fruit, twining her tail around a rock in the food cave. Her scales changed colors, rippling from blue to green to indigo. She stuffed the fruit in her mouth and walked outside, where she flew off.
It takes longer but it's easier to understand.

6. Do not curse. Please. Thanks! :3

7. Keep roleplay PG.

The code saying you have read the rules is: Moonwatcher Icecream (because... MOONWATCHER ICECREAM) Put this code at the end of your form.

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