international love

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Hilary is an eighteen year girl who just gradauted from high school. Her and some close friends and her parents go on a trip to Fiji. While out on the town getting crunk, she runs into a group of sexy man-gods that look farmiliar.  Not being aloud outside on the normal basis due to the fact that her parents are illegal prositutes, she doesn't have much contact with the outside world.  She will soon learn that these sexy gods are One Direction.

 CHAPTER 1: The Plane

*POV Hilary*

8:03am.  The alarm sounds and wakes up me up.  Ugh,  Why so early.  Not today.  I hate my prositute parents for making me go to Fiji with my friends and them because I know they are going to try and pimp me out.  I will just make a run for it as soon as we get to the resort.

Hilary gets out of bed, gets in the shower, and then gets dressed.  She puts on her favorite brown suade boots and leather crop top and hot pink booty shorts.  Let's just say her fashion is impeccable.  

I walked down stairs and my parents were getting it on, on the kitchen counter.  Can you say ew? Anyway, I was secretly digging it.  I'm kind of a watcher.  They look up and don't even look phased,  They quickly get dressed as I grab a banana and leave the house.

We pick up my two friends Tanisha and Cindy in our Subaru Outback... no we aren't lesbains. This aint that kinda story.  They each get in with their knock off LV suitcases.  After they get in the car, we start to bump it to Lil Jon songs on the way to the airport.  In the middle of our dancing, Tanisha comments, "Yo... what's the drinking age in Fiji yo?"  "There isnt one you little thot", mom says kindly.  "Ayyyyyye, I'm finna get so turnt," interjects Cindy. "Not without me! Am I right, ladies?" asks my father. "OMG dad lol youre so embarresing stop!!!" I exclaim. The car was silent for the rest of the ride aside from the calm hum of Lil Jon in the background. 

As the Sub pulls up the the airport, my parents eagerly jump out and grab their suitcases.  We are going to be late for our flight so we had to run.  

The flight was terrible.  The fat man next me was farting and fell asleep on my lap, drooling.  Yuck. Yet again, it was fine because I was into it and began to stroke his long ponytail of golden blonde hair.  I started off dreading the flight but man, I think that made my entire trip so far.  

CHAPTER 2: The Resort

Wow.  Everything was freaking gorg.  How could my parents afford this? Oh wait, I guess hoeing themselves out was really a popping business these days (and the money wasn' the only thing popping if you know what I mean...).  Anyway, it was amazing here.  I had informed Tanisha and Cindy of my plan for us to escape in the airport and I just pray that they remember the code word for when were going to split.  

"HOLY ISH!" LOOK ITS A FALLING SEA MONKEY" I said loudly.  The girls picked up what I was putting down.  "Mr. and Mrs. Xeslana, we need to go to the bathroom."  "Ok girls, just be back by morning."  Said my dad.  That was the one good thing about having illegal prositutes for parents, they didnt get an ish.  

We decided to hit up the bar and try to get free drinks out of some intoxicated men instead.  I looked around until I saw a man about 5 feet 9 inches dancing alone in the corner with a broom.  I came up behind him and put my panties in his left pocket as I whisped, "what's your size?" He turned around with a huge grin on his sexy pakistanian face and said , "3 1/2".  "That'll do" I said.  With a smug smile on his face he said, "I'm just a little boy from Bradford and tonight I'm going to be smashing you.  My name's Zayn.  Meet me in room 506 at 3am."  

I left Tanisha and Cindy at the bar.  I made my way up to Zayn's room. When I arrived I saw 506 embroided on the door in gold letters.  This was it.  

Apparently I sent mixed messages because when he opened the door, he was naked.  I held in my hand a new pair of shoes that I bought for him because in the bar his old ones looked ragged.  I mean, what did he think I mean by "what's your size?"  I screeched at the sight of his do-be-dong.  Ew.  I didn't want to seem like a child so I just took advantage of the situation... I told him to where my panties I gave him earlier to cover everything up.  I mean who wants to see that ish anyway.  It's not like he's famous.  That's why I gave them to him in the first place because I figured he wasn't very sanitary being Pakistanian and all.

CHAPTER 3:  Zayn's room

Zayn and I were standing in his room awkwarly, him in my panties waiting for something I wasn't there to give. I tried to act cool and aloof. "So Zack, tell me about yourself." "My name is Zayn but you can call me Zack if you like that better," he desperatly remarked. Being a hottie toddy like me boys will lose their identity to even be in the same room as me. "I like to sing, I guess," said Zayn. "I bet you suck," I said with a snarky smile. "How about I sing you something," he said. "Alright." Zayn opened his mouth about to let out a note when all of a sudden a thick, Irish accent comes into the room. "Malik,what in the hell are you wearing?" I turn around to see four extremely handsome males standing in the doorway laughing. Zayn's face turned a dark shade of red as he put on a robe. "GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled at the boys as they continued to walk into the room. ''Who is this?" the curly haired one asked. "Hi, I'm Hilary...who are you all?"  "WE ARE ONE DIRECTION!"

CHAPTER 4: Intro's

One Direction... I've heard that name before...OMG THEY ARE FAMOUS!  I started to panic.  The boys all stare at my as my body and left eye begin to twitch.  "You okay, love?" said the Peter Pan looking one.  I didn't answer as the twitching began to increase across my body.  Zayn came up and held me next to his firm Pakistanian body, sweat dripping down his beefly chest.  I could feel his grasp on my lower back and knew what he wanted immediately... me and my sexy ass body.  "Um..should we leave?" asked the David Beckham look alike.  "No! There is nothing going on here" I said confidently.  "Seems to me like this is..." says the curly head boy with the great legs.  "No I promise you, its nothing.  Come in and lets all hang!"  Maybe I said it becasue I have a strange attraction to the male species that had just entered Zayn's suite.

CHAPTER 5: Hanging with da boyz

As we all entered Zayn's pad, I noticed that Zayn still wasn't dressed.  Did he not get the point that I'm not interested?!  That curly headed boy though with the perfectly shaped legs, he was my type.   "So... what's you're name?" I asked the gladitor in front of me.  "Harry.  Harry Styles." he answered with a wink.  That objectified me as a women.  It's ok... I'm used to that prositute life.  I gave a subtle wink and laugh back as I leaned in and grabbed his thass - upper thy, lower ass (for those of you who may not be cultured in the dirty talk).  As my hand cupped his body, I whispered "meet me in the downstairs bathroom in five".  With that, he gave me a confused look but I know he knew what was going down.  In order to keep him on his toes, I turned around slowly and left.  

CHAPTER 6: Downstairs Bathroom

I went downstairs, entered the furthest stall from the door, and waited. A few mintutes later a knock came on the stall door. I looked under the door to see leather boots and skinny jeans. It was Harry. I opened the door to see him nervously standing there. "Come in," I gestured to him. Now, you can guess what happens from there.

CHAPTER 7: Niall.

My time with Harry was splendid, what I was ready to conquer my next victim.  I had my eyes on an attractive blonde headed boy.  There was something about him that called me.  I told Harry I needed a drink and I would find him later.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2014 ⏰

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