funny, well at least i think its funny

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ITS STORY TIME KIDS, LETS GATHER AROUND THE CAMPFIRE (starts singing spongebobs campfire song)

anyways, I'm at a party rn with my family and I'm bORED AF. and i just also wanted to tell you this story whoever you are 😂

ok so this takes place at my school. I was playing apples to apples fucking bible edition (there's a normal edition too) because I go to a private school and plus I was in theology class. (This is how you play: there's a main card pile which are cards with adjectives on them and one person has to draw a card from the pile, for ex. the word is big, the other players have 7 cards, next you have to place down a card that has to do with big. then that one person who chose big, reads the card the players placed down and everyone has a turn drawing a card. So I was playing with my friends and someone (it was actually my crush IM) drew word dirty from the main card pile somehow even tho it's fucking bible edition?? 😂 anyways everybody put down a card including me and guess what I put down for dirty. OBEDIENT CHILDREN hA!! so my crush reads out the cards and when he gets to my card he starts dying of laughter and so does everyone else. my life is complete. sorry for making you read this long ass lame ass but funny as fuck story (well at least for me 😹) -melissa

ps. what a coincidence that it's my crush's turn and the main card is dirty fFS 😂😂😏

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