Chp 3 : First Case with Reiko

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Reiko POV

"Yes. I understand." I turned off the video call.

"This is gonna be harder than I thought. How will I ever find a person who is extremely great at disguising?" I sighed.

I looked at the clock.

9 : 39 am

"Shoot, I'm supposed to meet up with Mouri-san and Suzuki-san." I got off my bed and changed my clothes.


"So Ran, where is Takero-san's apartment again?" Suzuki-san asked.

Apparently, Mouri-san and Suzuki-san have been invited to a friend's party. And that friend wants Mouri-san to invite other friends.

So here we are. Honestly, I wouldn't go to a party of someone who I haven't met. But since they told me that friend cooks, I accepted.

"And? Why do Reiko and I have to come with you two? I haven't even met the guy once." Kudo-san asked, annoyed that Suzuki-san dragged him out of his house.

"What? It's not like you have something better to do. And Reiko-san accepted. Probably because I told her Takero-san can cook. He might be a good husband someday. Right, Reiko-san??" Suzuki-san smirked at me. Shinichi glared daggers at her while Mouri-san giggled.

"I guess. But that alone can't sum up a good husband. He has to be caring, loving, loyal, the list goes on. Cooking doesn't really have anything to do with it." I explained with a blush on my face.

The three of them looked at me with smiles on their faces.

"Reiko, you have a way with words huh? Kinda reminds me of someone.~" Mouri-san grinned and nudged Kudo-san.

"Really?" I looked at Kudo-san and he averted his eyes from me.

"Anyways, let's get going! We might miss the party." Suzuki-san said and we started to walk to the party.


Knock Knock or Ding Dong!!

"Excuse me! Takero-san! It's us, Suzuki  and Mouri!" Suzuki-san called as she knocked on the door. Seconds later, the door opened to reveal a young man.

"Suzuki and Mouri! I'm glad you came! And you brought some friends over." He looked at me and Kudo-san.

"Nice to meet you. My name's Itusno Reiko." I greeted.

"..." Kudo-san stayed silent.

"Hey, doofus, greet Takero-san or else I'll ask Reiko-san to leave." I overheard Suzuki-san as she whispered to Kudo-san. He glared at her and growled.

"Hello. I'm Kudo Shinichi." He said in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Nice to meet you too. My name is Itamura Takero. Come on in."



"Thank you guys for coming to my celebratory party! I feel great to pass the entrance exam!" Takero exclaimed as he raised his drink.

"No prob bro!"
"You're welcome!"

"Heh. I would say the same if you really did pass." One of the guests chuckled.

Everyone stared at him. Some glared at him.

"Who's that guy?" Shinichi asked Ran.

"Oh... That's Takero-san's frenemy. They... used to be friends but something happened and they dislike each other ever since." Ran explained.

"Hmm.." Shinichi hummed in response.

"By the way, how are you doing Reiko-san?" Ran asked Reiko.

"What do you mean?" Reiko lowered her cookie.

"You know, about your days here in Japan? Is it what you expected?"

"Yes and no." Reiko replied with a sad smile.

"How come?" This time Shinichi asked.

"Well, there's someone I'm looking for but I can't find them anywhere. Actually they're really hard to find since they go from place to place." Reiko sighed. She ate the cookie.

"May I ask... Is this person, a female or a male?" Ran obviously wanted to know what gender the person Reiko is looking for.

"Ran, can I talk to you for a sec??" Shinichi pulled her away for a bit, leaving Reiko with two cookies on each hand.

"What the heck do you think you're doing?!" Shinichi whispered.

"I want to know if the person she's looking for is a boy! If it is, then YOU are in big trouble!"

"Huh? How?"

"You dense detective nut. It might be her BOYFRIEND!! For God's sake Shinichi, use your big head! You won't have a chance if it's her long lost first love!" Ran scolded Shinichi quietly.

"Ugh.." Shinichi walked away.


Shinichu looks around to find anything interesting. He went down the basement since he's a curios lil bean. He found something, but it's not that good.

"This is bad.." He ran upstairs.

"Ran! Reiko! Sonoko! Call the police!" He yell. People looked at him weirdly.

"Why? Did something happen?" Reiko asked while stuffing yet another cookie in her mouth.

Though Shinichi paused for a moment because Reiko was damn cute, he returned to his serious face.

"There's a dead body down the basement. I think it was that guy who Takero-san hates."

"What?!" Reiko gasped.

"Ran. Call the police." Shinichi ordered.


*I got lazy to write the while case😅 Gomen!

"Thanks again Kudo-kun for the help!" Inspector Megure patted Shinichi's shoulder.

"It's nothing really."

"Hm? Who's that girl?" Inspector pointed at Reiko.

"Oh, that's Itsuno Reiko, a recent transfer student." Ran walked up to Shinichi and Inspector.

"That sounds strange, considering that it's the middle of the school year." Inspector placed his finger on his chin.

"Come to think of it, she didn't specify the reason why she transferred." Shinichi mumbled for a second.

"Maybe she's just not ready to say the reason yet." Ran said. They looked at her.

"I wish she could open up to us.." Shinichi sighed.


So, it's been awhile.
Hope you like it!

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