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texts: 1:45 am

taurus:ooooo one year closer to death

aries:lol me

at taurus' house with libra ,aries, and taurus

libra: *playing with midnight*

midnight: *playing with balloon strings while libra dangles them in front of her*

libra: why are you holding on to it? Don't be like Aries and hold on to it!

Aries: That's offensive

-in the dining room w/ cake after libra left-

Tuarus: *sitting awkwardly in front of birthday cake with Aries to her right and Sagittarius to her left*

Tuarus: *blows out 14 birthday candles in one sigh*

-after cake eating and sagittarius leaves-

aries:*sets up taurus new computer*

taurus: *is on phone*

-1 hour later-

both: *playing yandere simulator while listening to a unholy quartet live stream*

eventually they're on their own phones having random short  conversation and fall asleep at like 3:00am


Zodiac weirdosDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora