Chapter 1: First Of School

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Micha POV

"OWWWWW!!!" I said at the top of my lungs while my twin brother slap me with a pillow


"What time is it?" I asked lazily while trying to get rid of my beloved bed and finally I did it

"It's 5.15am" He said, calmly. My eyes widen when I hear the time

"WTF?! It's too early for sch-"

"Yah! Yah! Get up or I'll tell mom that you're the one who break the window" He cut me off by blackmailing me and dragging me in the ear

"Ok ok FINE!!" I said with a tone of annoyance then fix my bed. After fixing my bed I did my morning routine


Now I'm done getting dressed, doing a simple make-up and do my hair. The only thing left is eating my breakfast. Since I can't wait to eat my breakfast, I immediately go down stairs. When I am already in the kitchen, I smell something that I really wanted to eat, PANCAKE!!

"Annyeong eomma~ (Goodmorning mom)" I said with a sweet tone

"Annyeong, now eat now, It's almost 6. You and your brothers will be late at school" My mom response and handed me the 2 piece  of pancakes

"Eomma, wae paenkeikeuga 2 gae bakk-e eobsnayo? (Why do I have only 2 pancakes?)" I asked with a tone of annoyance

"Your brother, HangKul eat the rest of it" My mother said while smiling. I looked at HangKul with a deep stare and he just chuckle.

"OW!!" I yell when somebody hit my head, HARD

"YAH!! You should start eating cause it's 6.07" Mark said or MY TWIN (Yeah Mark Tuan in GOT7)

"Yah, Mark. Could you stop hitting your sister??" My mom said and giggled

"Aiishhh" I said and stare to my pancake and eat it. Why did my mom got happy when Mark hit my head?? Aiishhh! WhataLife
"Annyeonghigaseyo eomma~ (Goodbye Mom)" We 3 said together

"Annyeong~" Our mom said and give us a flying kiss

We are now heading to our school by walking cause since its just a miles away at our house.

By the way, My name is Lee Micha and I have a one twin and one sibling. Lee Mark or Mark Tuan is my twin, and Lee Hangkul is my sibling.

I'm 16 years old and I studied at ***** University and I am boyish-bitch-hot-chick at our school aka BBHC. That stage name was given when I become the Ms. **** 2015 when I was in the 8th Grade. And yes, you heard me right. Ima BITCH and I'm so excited to do some boy haunting in this school year.

Finally we're here

"Micha!!~" My bestfriend called me

"Areum!!~" I called her too and hug each other

"Yah! How are you?? Do you enjoy summer? Do you-"

"Yah! Geuman! Kaja?? (Hey! Stop it! Lets go??) I said and walk pass her

" Yah, yah, yah! We should bring our maknae at his classroom" Mark said

"Hyung, it's okay. Look I'm now 12, I'm not 10" Hangkul said calmly and looked at me, signaling me to say something

"Ne, ne. He is now too old for us to bring him at his classroom. Right??" I said

"Ne. Annyeong nonnas, hyung!!" Our maknae bid goodbye to us and startedt to walk away from us.

I suddenly realize that Hangkul is getting older, then the memorise of mine and Hangkul is coming back to me. Oh I'm sure that I will miss my little Hangkul someday..

"Yah? Gwenchana??(Hey?? Are you okay?)" Areum asked

"Ne, kaja??(Yes, lets go)" I said and grab Areum's hand and run

"Yah! Lee Micha!! Come back here!!" Mark yelled and trying to catch us. I looked back to see if Mark is near to us and-

"AIIGOOO!!" I said and fell in the ground- wait, not yet. I didn't feel anything but, I feel something which make me coriouse about. I feel some muscular shoulder. I slowly open my eyes to see if somebody or SOMEONE catches me or did I fall. When I open my eyes, I saw an beautiful creature- no, a beautiful guy.

I slowly rid to his muscular shoulder and identify his looks. He has a broad shoulder, fluffy lips, brown eyes and a feminine face.

"Uhhh,, gwenchana??" He asked

"Ne, ne. G-gamsahamnida" I said and bow

"It's okay," He smiled "Just next time, be careful, miss clumsy." He said and turn back to me and join those 6 guys over there which is his frends

"Yah! Gweanchana??" Mark and Areum asked

"Ne, annyeong Mark" I bid good bye and go to our principal and asked the keys of our locker, our schedule and section.

I look at my paper and finding the word section, finally I found it and I'm at section- WHAT??!!! CLASS A?!! WAHHH?!! JINJJA??!!!

"What section do you belong??" I asked while crossing my fingers hoping she is in the same class as me

"Ummm, Classsssssssss, A. Wait- A??? WHAAA??!! JINJJAA?!!" she cried because she can't believe that she is in the Class A- wait??-

"Class A?! JINJJA?? NADOO!! (Really?? me too!!)" I said and we both cry in happiness

"Where is your locker??" Areum asked

"F5 bout you??"


"Too bad, our lockers are seperated"

"Umm, yeah sort of but most importantly, we are in the same class" she said while smiling and continue for searching her locker

And finnaly, I saw my locker

"Yah, why you stop?" Areum ask while searching to her locker

"Just found my locker- wait, how do you know that I stop??" I asked her coriously

"Your footstep sound stops"

Instead saying 'ok' I just nod in response and open my locker. I saw a boring plane locker and put the books and things tagt are not needed to our morning subject. I wanted to decorate my locker

"Yah?! Are you done? You looked like thinking something?" Areum asked

"I'm ok. I just think that maybe we should go decorate our locker" I said

"Yeah, great idea, But when will we decorate that??"

"We'll think about that later, Its now 6.56" I said

So this is our classroom. It is huge as we expected. When we enter the room, we immediately pick up our seat. I choose beside in the window while Areum is behind me.

Every seconds, Class A students will get inside to our classroom.

"Who is our adviser??" I asked Areum

"Umm, as I know its Mrs. Cho"

Ms. Cho, the scariest and best teacher ever. I admit she is pretty good in teaching but she is kinda scary cause I heard that she is pretty strict and kinda, you know, every students teachers attitude. But wait, I remember what Kyla nonna and Richard hyung told me; I should be friendly to the most scariest and strictiest teacher ever.

"Good morning class. For those students that doesnt Know me. I'm Cho Mabi and I wanted to have a clean and intelegent student." Mrs. Cho introduce herself

"GoodMorning Mrs. Cho" We all said

"Please take your seat" Mrs. Cho said

"Thank you Mrs. Cho" we all said

Suddenly, when Mrs. Cho discuss something, the door become wide open and I saw- HIM??!!

A/N: So this xhapter is soo long cause IDK but I hope you guys enjoy it and I'll be uptading as soon as possible. Annyeong 😊

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