Chapter 18: The Ultrasound

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"You seem nervous" I say to Peeta as we take a seat in the waiting room

"Aren't you?" He asks

"Terrified. Last time we've done this was six years ago, when I didn't even know what I wanted to do in college" I nervously reply and he takes my hand

"Well now we're much more mature and experienced enough to look after a baby" he comforts and give him a small smile then I pull out my phone then scroll through my Facebook news feed and scoff when I see the one and only Cloves status calling out Glimmer it says 'Glimmer Glandfeild is a fucking slutty bitch sleeping with my boyfriend. What a fucking whore, can never trust anyone anymore' I show Peeta this but he just rolls his eyes

"She deserves it. It's called karma, that's what she gets for bullying you through out almost our whole school life" he remarks

"Only because you and I were best friends. She had a major crush on you" I say back making him chuckle, he kisses my cheek and then my lips

"And now look at us. You were the one and the only one I notice" he replies making me blush

"Katniss, Peeta. It's good to see you again" we both look up and see Dr Rose standing there

"Oh my god I forgot you worked here" I smile walking up to her with Peeta by my side

"I was always wondering how long it'll be till I'd see you again" she smiles as we walk down the long hallway and take a left turn

"How is little Taylor?" She asks as we walk into the empty room with all the equipment for the ultrasound

"She's very well and healthy. She's six now" I reply laying down on the bed and lifting up my shirt to reveal my quite big baby bump

"Oh wow, how long did you say that you were again?" She asks

"About 12 weeks and one day now. Is something wrong?" I ask but she shakes her head

"No you just look further along then that is all" she replies putting the gel on my stomach

"Now, let's take a look" she says turning on the wand, she waves it around till she finds what I guess is our baby

"Oh wow, that's interesting" she admits, I immediately look to the screen but I don't notice much

"What? What's wrong?" I panic

"It's nothing" she replies

"So our baby is okay?" I ask wanting to be reassured that our baby is healthy

"The baby is just fine, so is number two and three" she reassures

"Wait did I hear you say number two and three?" I doubt

"You sure did. Congrats mommy and daddy your expecting three babies" she smiles, good thing I'm laying down or else I would've fainted

"Triplets? No wonder I'm so big so soon" I sigh

"Do you want pictures?" She asks

"Two please" I reply, she then types on the computer then stands

"I'll be back in just a few minutes so you two can talk" she says and walks out, I turn to Peeta and he still sits in the chair, looking extremely shocked

"Say something" I beg as I wipe my stomach

"I'm happy but I'm just shocked. How'd we end up with triplets?" He replies

"Well I guess we're just that rare couple that have triplets plus it's probably something to do with my mom being a twin and my grandma being a twin" I explain then a smile forms on his face

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