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They start to unpack the tent and build it up. Kagami is struggle with the tent, he can't unpack it. He started to look around for help, but he only find Aomine there. He doesn't want help from Aomine, because for him they are rival, he cant show his weakness.( Eossas: Poor Aomine). He keep looking and walking around to find help, then someone hold the package and started to untie it. That person said:
- Bakagami, i'm already here who are you looking for.
- Thank you, Ahomine. At this moment he feel like his heart skip a beat.
After unpacking the tent and build it, it's already time for dinner. This time Kagami is in charge of the cooking part because everyone else know that he's good at it. Aomine is in charge of helping, because know one want to do it anyway so he could do it to be closer to Kagami. Through out the whole hour they didnt say anything and just focus on there works. Finally the dinner is done, everyone is like wild animal, they jump in and the food is gone in 5 minute.(Eossas: I bet that you guys are very hungry, poor kid. Everyone: 😤😤😤😤😤) While they are eating the teacher go up stage and announce tomorrow schedule:
- After dinner you guys can have free time then tomorrow everyone have to wake up at 5:00 A.M. )$^^^^%&*^^$!#$%(&^^$%&*^^%$&*%#$%^^^^&*&$# (iít just stuff about schedule). 

Because it's already late so Kagami decided to go to sleep soon, as well as Aomine. When they went back to there tent they couldn't find Tatsuya anywhere so they went to sleep without Tatsuya.  Even though Aomine said that he''ll go to sleep as well but he couldn't sleep, when lying next to Kagami because his heart keep bouncing. When he couldn't lay still anymore, he turn and face Kagami. He turned and right after that, Kagami face is only 2 cm aways from his face, Kagami naturally move his arm and legs on top of Aomine body. Kagami keep moving and accidently touch "small Aomine'', Aomine can't stand this anymore, his pant start to raise up...

To be continue.....


Guyssssssssss, So what do you think, should i add H in the next chap or should i save it for later. Comment plzzz. I need yours comment before friday. If i see no comment then i''ll have to decide on my own then.............................😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😎😎😎😎😎

P/S: Love you alls

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