Character Description

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Description of Kira's life:
Kira is a 14 year old girl who's a fan of Max and Harvey. Her ibf is a girl called Summer and they talk all the time. She lives with her Mum, dad, cat called Mika, and rabbits; Willow and Blossom. Kira has 2 older sisters but they don't live with her. She is soon to move house. But where?...
Description of Kira:
Kira has long brown hair with blonde tips and highlights. She has brown eyes and wears natural makeup. She has a bubbly personality and is often excited over nothing. Shes always making sure other people are okay before even knowing if she is. She's a little shy though.
Description of Summer:
Summer has long blonde hair and blue eyes. Summer is outgoing and friendly. She cares for everyone and isn't shy at all. She likes to speak her mind and is one of the best people to be friends with.
(Summer is the blonde one on the left of the picture and Kira is on the right of the title picture.)

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