Chapter One

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Ty's POV:

"Knock it off, Travis!" I turn on my heel to face him. He stops in his tracks, looking up till his eyes meet mine. He starts to come closer, but immediately stops when Loy let out a low growl.

"It's fine. Lets finish up hunting before dark." I say as I turn to continue along the path. I could hear the leaves crunch under their feet as they began to walk behind me. The forest was too quiet for a spring day. There has been a shortage of prey since the humans began to settle in our territory. Father had wanted to scare them off, but the others were too afraid. Now they grow closer and closer everyday.

We turn to the sudden rustling in the trees. As we come near, we see a shimmer of yellow in the birch tree. I look back at Loy, confused, but next thing I knew I was on the ground with pressure on my back.

Adam's POV:

Running. I was running for my life. Hiss. I quickly glance behind to see a creeper on my heels. I had to think fast. I needed to think of a way to escape. Beginning to run faster, I notice a birch tree with a low enough branch to grab on to. I leaped to grab it. Pulling myself up into the tree just in the knick of time. I glance down to see the creeper ready to blow, but was interrupted by voices in the distance. Oddly, the creeper, with a panicked look, quickly runs away.

The branch begins to snap. Quickly, I reach for another branch, creating a rustling noise. I freeze as I hear footsteps come closer. Right as they stop, the branch snaps and fall to the ground. I hear groan from underneath me. Startled, I quickly jump to my feet. On the ground laid a boy around my age. He had brown hair that covered his eyes. He moves it out of the way. Now I could see his right eye was brown, yet his left was purple.

"I'm so sorry! I was trying to escape from a stupid creeper." I apologized.

"Hey! Thats offensive!" I look over to see a tall boy. He had spiky light green hair and dark green eyes, reminding me of a creeper.

"Oh... Sorry..." I shyly say.

"Ty! Are you alright!" A shorter boy ran over to the boy on floor, who's name was apparently Ty. This other boy had longer gray hair. His eyes were a lighter gray and he wore a red... collar?

"It's okay Loy. Its not his fault he was just trying to escape a stupid creeper." He says turning to look at the green haired boy.

I offer my hand to help him stand and he hesitantly grabs ahold. Pulling him up I shyly tell him my name. "Um... Hi I'm Adam"

Looking up to meet my eyes. He answers. "I'm Ty." Pointing to the gray haired boy. " Thats Loy"

Finally, he pointed to the creeper lover. "And that butt is Travis. Nice to meet you" He said smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2014 ⏰

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