'Phoebe's Tale'

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Lita: light

Cerberus: Latin form of Greek Kerberos meaning "demon of the pit"


 Out of all the tourist attractions that are there in Iceland, without a moment's hesitation Ican say that the Blue Lagoon is by far my favourite.

It is set in the pure heart of the Icelandic landscape. One of the most visited tourist attractions in Iceland too. Situated in a lava field in Grindvik.

Since the past two years, when I first came to Iceland that is, I have often visited the place during nightfall. It is a breath taking sight. The beauty of the place always leaves me gaping at it with a soft smile resting on my lips at least for a good five minutes.

However today, my lips are pulled into a full blown grin.There in front of me lay a sight that I haven't seen in at least a couple of centuries. My dear friends, merrily playing in the water, diving and jumping.

Phoebe's laughter filled the evening air as Pashan failed yet again in his dive. Even from afar I could easily make out the fact that Pashan was grumbling and fuming as Nox yet again dived in with the grace of an Olympic swimmer and came out successfully without even a hint of exhaustion in his breath. Phoebe clapped enthusiastically beaming at Nox, adding to Pashan's annoyance as Nox bow down.

'Bravo, bravo', I too cheered heading towards the trio.

'Cimme! At last. I was beginning to wonder if your were kidnapped on your way or something', Nox replied cheekily, heading towards me and clasping me in a hug.

'Me? Kidnapped? I think you're confusing me with yourself Nox', I retorted equally sarcastic.

'Clearly age is getting you my friend. But then do tell me why the ever punctual Cimme was late today?'

'Well you see, I arrived at  the exact appointed time, but I was amusing myself from afar looking at your pathetic excuse of a dive', I jabbed at him, immediately running towards the water peering over my shoulder at his enraged expression.

'Why you little...wait till I get my hands on you!', Nox shouted chasing after me.

'Wait for us!', cried out Phoebe, as both of them too swam after us.

You see that's the thing about true friends. No matter how much you scream and curse the other, it is impossible to stay angry at each other. Everyone has their fights, but at the end of the day, all is forgiven.

After chasing, splashing, wrestling and what not, reluctantly,we finally came out of the rejuvenating  waters on  the soothing sands, utterly exhausted. All four of us simply lay there in silence taking in the beauty of the Lagoon.

'I think its high time we address the point of this gathering', Nox's voice cut through the silence.

'I agree', replied Pashan, nodding his head, getting up and sitting crossed legged on the sand.

'Well then, let's get this party on the road guys', I said solemnly.

'Ask away', Nox said, folding his hands behind his head and leaning against the boulder, completely at peace.

'Before I enquire as to your current situation, I need to know what's going on in the Council. Obviously, something must have happened for there to be so much turmoil. What exactly triggered all this?'

'Well', began Pashan, 'It all began at the start of the 21stcentury, just a couple of years ago, if you think about it. It was in the month of March. I was in Canada at that time, still in the servitude of the Ackerleys. My master was getting married at that time. A beautiful girl she was, is rather, but more lovelier was her shadow, my Phoebe.

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