Mad Puppeteer

191 12 8

One Shot Dedicated to z0mbies
All characters mentioned belong to z0mbies I'm not trying to take any credit for them.



That was the only thing I could feel. I pried my eyes open only to see red.

"Puppet boy" I heard. "You missed the show."

I managed to turn myself and face him. He crouched down and caressed my face. A strange calm fell upon me and I felt myself close my eyes into the gentle touch.

"Don't worry my little Puppet Boy" he said soothingly "next time I'll make sure you stay awake to see the whole show." I nodded faintly.

"Puppet Girl," I heard him coo from close by "wakey wakey."

I shifted my head and I saw him looking at her lovingly. How could he show her more affection to her. If I had the energy I would have been furious, but instead I just watched. Until I realised she's-


I couldn't stop the word from escaping, but it felt so good to speak.

"That's no way to speak to the woman you married" he scowled. "Look you've hurt her feelings" he said.

I tried to speak again, but only managed a squeak. After a few more minutes his voice started falling into hysterics.

"Wake up!" he shouted "You little whore!"

He dragged me to her and demanded I talked to my wife. I complied and slowly managed to bring my hand to her face.

"Honey," I said.

I tried to continue, but nothing come out. My throat felt corse, but I had to wake her up before he got mad at us.

"You" yes just a little more I thought.

"Need to wake" I slurred "-isn't the time" my voice started getting shakier by the second.

I could hear him getting more and more agitated. I started to shake her my voice not wanting to listen. Before long he pulled me away from her and dragged her up to his face.

"Are you mad at me" he questioned.

His voice started to get emotional "Is it because I didn't wake you up for the show?" He looked at her once again before shaking her violently "Is that why!"

When he got no response he threw her to the ground.

"Little piece of shit" he swore. "You don't deserve to be my puppet. I can just make more."

I brought my legs to my chest hoping he wouldn't put his anger on me. As he continued to scream at her I got an idea. I uncurled myself and started crawling towards him. When I was close enough I tugged at his leg, but he kicked me away. I could feel blood dripping from my nose, but I tried again. This time he glowered down at me.

I licked the blood to try and moisten my mouth "I-" I paused "can get more."

He tilted his head to the side before grabbing me from under my arms. He started to drag me to a dark room.

He set me down on an old sofa and pulled out a glass of water.  If you could call it such. He placed the glass's cool rim against my cracked lips. As soon as I felt the water on my lips I drank hungrily until there was nothing left. He looked at me silently as if waiting for me to say something.

"I can get more puppets for you" I said. "Just let me go out-" before I finished he shouted.

"No!" I felt myself jump "why would I let my precious Puppet out into the cruel world?"

"I can be useful" I begged "I can make you a Puppet Family." At this his eyes lit up.

"Puppet family?" he asked.

I nodded, but before long he started to look concerned. "You won't try to leave me?" he questioned.

"I would never leave the man who made me beautiful" I responded.

He looked up at me curiously, but he must have felt my sincerity because not long after he started helping me get dressed. He brought out the clothes from my past life and put them on me.

They were a little too big now and slightly torn but, they would help me blend in with the outside world. As I continued to get dressed dread crept in. It felt alien to be back in these clothes. The sudden knowledge of being thrown out into the outside was daunting, but I managed to stay calm.

After getting dressed he helped walk me to an old car and put me in the back. As his protective touch left me I felt as though my last defence against the world was gone. However, as soon as he started to drive I found myself falling asleep

When the car stopped I awoke and realised I wasn't far from the place I used to call home. He helped me out of the car and as he was about to leave reminded me of what he'd do if I didn't come back to him. I promised I'd come back and soon after I started walking down the vaguely familiar path.

I managed to get to the front garden, but I was at my limits. I stood there for a while to catch my breath before continuing the walk. I must have only taken one step forward before I saw the door swing open revealing my family. My mothers shocked face caused emotions to roar in me. She didn't even think twice before running and hugging me tight.

It was in that moment when my knees buckled and I collapsed to the floor and not long after my consciousness started to fade.


When I opened my eyes I was faced with a white ceiling. I turned my head and saw an IV drip. As I continued to look around I saw my dads sleeping form.

"Dad" I whispered.

He started to stir and after a few more seconds he woke up.

"How you doing little man?" he asked.

I managed to say "good" in response.

He nodded and then proceeded to call the nurse who did a few checks on me. I was in the hospital for what felt like decades. The outside world was a lot more different from how I'd remembered it. I'd thought of it as warm and welcoming but, it felt harsher.

During my stay I'd had to go through many unnecessary tests. I'd also had to endure interrogations from the police, but I kept my mouth shut never revealing anything about my Creator.

After 4 days I was discharged and was told to come in for daily check ups, but I didn't intend on staying long. I felt to anxious to stay outside for much longer. I wanted to go back to my true home. The home he'd made me perfect in.

Every corner he haunted me. Telling me to hurry up; to be by his side. I had to leave this place before he started calling for me.

The night before my great plan I was too jittery. I woke early and made a heavily laced breakfast and called down my family. They came down eager to eat. If only they'd realised that I'd changed they would have known not to touch anything I made for them, but they were too blind to see what was in front of them.

They sat down to eat and before long they passed out. I continued to nibble on my food feeling a sense of accomplishment as I looked at my unconscious family. After, I dragged them one by one to the car. I was finally ready to show my Creator how good of a puppet I'd become.

I felt nothing more than the need to be the perfect puppet. I got into the car and started driving home.

"You'll love it" I said to my family. "We'll make the perfect Puppet Family"

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