2. Fearless Evil Lackey Intruding Kit & Xephos

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???'s P.O.V~

I floated in the tube filled with translucent purple liquid, like I have for the past few months of my existence. four men stand in front of me, two are talking to one another without diverting their eyes away from me.

I cannot hear a single word that they're saying, in fact I can't hear anything. I've never been able to. I am either deaf or this tube is prohibiting me to hear the outside world.

I watch as the pale one with red eyes opens his mouth, I'm assuming he is speaking to the others. he has never spoken before. he just stands and watches me whenever he watches me. Of corse I'm not watched by them all at once, the man in the long coat is always here watching me; the others just come and go.

the one in the leather jacket shakes his head in agreement and the one in the long coat approaches my tube. he flashes me a smile of joy before he fiddles with the control board in front of him.

the fluid around me starts to drain out of my tube and my feat touch the floor of my tube for the first time. I collapse to the ground as the now empty drain opens up.

" Is he a success?" the one in the jacket asks. I lift my head as the one in the coat looks me over quickly.

" As far as I know yes." he replies.

" Excellent. Ridge and bodypen, catch him up to speed. straw fingers, go retrieve what he needs for the mission." the pale one said. I watched him as he turned and left the room and the purple one leave through another door.

" Here." the one in the coat said as he held out his hand for me to grab. I grabbed his hand and he lifted me up. I wobbled slightly as I attempted to walk for the first time, but I got it quickly. the man lead me to a seat, the one that he would sit on as he watched me, and I sat down.

" How do we start off?" he asked the other man.

" Maybe introductions?" he suggested.

" Ok. hi, my name is ridgedog. but you could call me ridge, or dad. dad would also be nice." the one in the coat said. the other one shot him a glance before introducing himself to me as bodypen.

" You are Fearless Evil Lackey Intruding Kit & Xephos. or FELIKX for short." Bodypen explained.

" But you could be Felix if you'd wanna. it sounds a lot less weird." ridge said.

i just sat there and looked at this man. from inside the tube he seemed a lot different than what he is acting. and he wants me to call him dad, which is really odd.

" Can he even talk?" bodypen asked.

" Of corse he can my son is perfect." ridge said. he looked as me quickly and I saw slight disbelief on his face.

" You can, right?" he asked with hope.

" Um... I think so." I replied.

" Told you BP, he can talk." Ridge said.

The two spend the next 5 minutes or so explaining their story. apparently ridge had gotten some deadly venom from an evil monster known as kit and got sick. bodypen brought ridge to this castle and with the help of strawfingers and israphel, the other two, the extracted the venom, got some of ridges DNA and made me in the tube for the soul purpose of destroying the monster and it's creators.

" Is he caught up?" the one I now know is israphel asked as he re entered the room.

" Yep. we just need straw fingers to hurry with his equipment." bodypen answered. not even five seconds later, strawfingers hurries into the room carrying a pile of cloths and something on top.

" about time." ridge said annoyingly as he took the pile.

" These are for you. we can't exactly have you running around naked all the time." he said. There was a pair of grey jeans, red sneakers, a white t-shirt and a blue hoodie that zipped from the front. I attempted to get dressed, but when I pulled up the pants I noticed that I had an orange and white tail sticking out from behind me.

" Can I see a mirror?" I asked. bodypen went away quickly and got a big full body mirror on wheels and put it I front of me. I was tall, about the height of an average 16 year old, the only cloths I had on were the pants, I had orange-brown hair, a lot like ridges, a brown right eye and a left purple eye, black fox like ears on the top of my head and a fox tail behind me.

" Could someone explain this?" I asked.

" Well, before ridge had gotten poisoned, we had broken into yoglabs and stole some equipment and notes. the notes that helped to make you said that an animal of some kind is essential for it to be successful. we originally used a dog, but the cat DNA from the original altered it to become a fox. cause a fox is the catiest dog you could ever get." Bodypen replied.

" Alright then." I said before changing into the rest of my cloths.

" what's this?" I asked as I held a necklace with a small button box on it.

"This is a device that will create a dimensional door nearby. just press the button and the door will appear and we will take it from there. it will take about 20 seconds after you press it until it will appear and it only works once so use it wisely." ridge explained.

" The boy is ready." israphel said as I put on the necklace and hid it under my shirt.

" Remember that your mission is to take down yoglabs, kit, and her friends from the inside. do whatever is necessary to befriend them."

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