Creepypasta (females)

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Name: Ruby Shauna Rose

Nicknames: Lil' Ruby, Lil' Ru, RuRu, Shortie

Creepypasta name: Bloody Ruby

Age: 13

Gender: female

Appearance: She's 4' 7" with long red hair, pale skin, and dark blue eyes. She also has both freckles sprinkled on her cheeks as well as a beauty mark on her chin. When she's out killing, she wears black and dark red clothes that help with her blending in the dark. But if she's not, then she'll wear more bright and cute colors and comfortable clothes. You might end up seeing her in a pokemon onesie at home.

Personality: At first, Ruby seems a little shy and quiet to strangers. But once she grows to know others, she let's down her walls and show her true outgoing and borderline chaotic self. However, don't let her shy nature think that she can't defend herself. The moment she finds herself being used as a doormat, she'll immediately snap back like a bear trap underneath said doormat.

Sexuality: Pansexual

Likes: blood, her older sisters, cats, animals, some piece and quiet, videogames, music, singing, sweets

Dislikes: spiders, the dark, being alone, being mistaken for a child, her sisters getting hurt, performing in front of anyone, whenever her older sisters fight

Mental disorders: Anxiety, slight PTSD

Slenderman or Zalgo?: Slenderman

Weapon: a circular saw

How they kill: If she wants a quick kill, she immediately saws off the head of her victims. But if she wants to cause pain, she slowly cuts off their limbs one by one and either let them die by blood loss or cuts off their head

Quotes: "I wonder how your blood tastes like?"

"I don't want to go out..."

"I'm sorry, but what?"

"My anxiety is kicking in. H E L P"


"Kia, where'd you get that knife? Should I be worried?"

"I know I'm a nerd okay! Just leave me and my stuff alone!"

"B-blushing..? I-I'm not blushing.."

"C A N D Y?"

"Is this what love and affection feels like..? Please keep doing it.."

"I'd rather not talk about that bāstard of a father.."

"Hey! I can too swear! Frick!... I blame Kia for this..."

"Kia I'm not a kid anymore so stop treating me like one!"

Crush: Ben Drowned (or open)

Extras: She still has part of the chains her father used to hold her down on her right ankle as a reminder that she was once prisoned, but she had freed herself.


Name: Kiara Leo Rose (prefers to be called 'Kia')

Nicknames: Kia, Mom (by her siblings or maybe by her friends)

Creepypasta name: The Stitched-mouth Singer/or the Stitched-mouth Woman (both her and her twin are called 'The Stitches Sisters')

Age: 18

Gender: female

Appearance: She has very long, wavy, red hair that reaches past her waist. Blue, emotionless eyes. Tan skin. And so many stitches all over her body (too many to count actually). But the worse ones are on her face. The ones that reaches from the corners of her mouth all the way to her ears especially. She mostly just keeps those covered with a surgical mask and a blue scarf. She doesn't really cares what she wears exactly. Just as long as it covers her stitches since she's uncomfortable of showing them.

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