Chapter 20

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(A month later)

Since Brian left, we haven't talked all that much with each other. Partly because both of us have been so busy with Youtube but mainly because I didn't want to start anything else between Joey and I or Brian and Joey for that matter. I'm not usually one to curb my actions to appease others but this is the one case I'll make an exception to. I just don't want any more drama to happen. That's apparently a lot to ask for though! Maybe since it's the end of November and we're heading towards the Christmas season a miracle will happen.

Speaking of Christmas, it's strange not seeing snow on the ground this close to December. Growing up in North Dakota, I've grown up with snow around the holidays. I grew to love it actually. So seeing the tree's snow-free is a weird thing for me. All of the guys at the office keep making fun of me for it, especially Joey. Then again, they pretty much tease me on just about anything.

I was in the midst of waiting for Matthias to finish setting up the cameras for a Team Edge video. He wanted to do some sort of Christmas couple's challenge of sorts, so Him and Amanda, Bryan, Sarah, Joey and I were chilling til everything was set up. No one but Matthias knew what was going on so we were all clueless as hell.

Eventually, Matthias hit record and started up the video. "Hey everybody, welcome to Team Edge. Today I'm here with the guys and their significant others for a special Christmas video challenge thing."

"Thanksgiving was earlier is week Matt." Sarah pointed, which made the rest of us chuckle. I think I might love Sarah more than Matt or Joey.

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ok?!" He yelled before clearing his throat to continue. "The rest of the gang doesn't know what video I have planned, but they'll find out now! Today we're doing the Couple's Family Feud Christmas Edition."

"I say we do Girls against Guys." Both Amanda and Sarah agreed with me rather quickly.

 Joey chuckles under his breath before adding, "Pshh, it's not like I wanted to be on a team with my girlfriend anyways."

"Don't worry about it man," Bryan leans over to pat Joey's shoulder. "Violet would have just dragged you down anyways."

I feigned a look of sadness as I glanced over at Bryan. "And to think that I thought of you as my brother!"

"But I thought I was your brother!" Matthias whined, almost like a small child. It was quite adorable actually.

"Matt, if I thought of you as my brother, then Joey by definition would be my brother which would mean I'm dating my brother and that's wrong in so many ways I don't know where to begin!" I ranted slightly, actually running out of breath towards the end of the statement. Everyone had their heads turned towards me, strange looks in all of their eyes.

"Alright, let's begin the challenge shall we?" Joey spoke up, breaking the awkward tension that had started to form.

For 20 minutes, we played through the challenge. Tons of hilarity ensued and in the end, the girls beat the guys by a long shot. In all honesty, though, I don't think any of us were actually looking at this like some sort of challenge once we got 5 minutes into the game.

We ended the video 15 minutes ago, but we all sat in the Team Edge space chatting about the upcoming holiday. With Joey's arm resting along my lower back and most of my body weight against him, I was more than content with staying there for hours. If given the opportunity, I'd probably fall asleep.

"Matt, you have anything planned for Amanda for Christmas?" Bryan asked, which earned him an incredulous look from Matthias.

"Of course I do, like always. I hope you have something planned for my sister."

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