The Start

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On a rainy day in April, I was born in a small pound. The thunder struck outside and my mother was anxiously listening for the manager to come back to feed them. I never fully remembered what happened the first few days when I was born in the pound. Where as my mother remembered everything and how lucky it was her new owner to take in my other 2 brothers and sisters. She told me that out of the litter, our owner favored me the most. She said that the owner would give me an extra biscuit if I were good when I got home. She'd gently pet me and sing to me when she was either cooking or washing the dishes. My mother's owner soon got married and the man she married gave the same affection, however he gave away my siblings and my mother to other humans. Leaving me alone with them, knowing let alone I was still a few months old. I grew attached to them and always did my best to behave. My mother before being sold off told me to always to behave and never bite. Of course, I followed what she said and never forgot it. A year later, the couple had a set of mischievous twins named Kent and Josh. Being complete opposites, they kept their parents on their toes mostly all the times. Josh was the light little angel who behaved ,but got the blame. Kent, on the other hand, would act as a wolf in a sheep's clothes. He would cause trouble left and right, which his parent had to often keep up with. The twins were just infants at the time and didn't know any better. Only being a year old and having nothing ,but humans to keep me company I became very much a house dog. The nice woman realized that Kent was allergic to dogs in late February that year and off I was to be given away. She stayed up late looking for a suitable owner for me, checking that this owner wouldn't use me for some malicious doings. Her husband also searched for an owner for me asking people at his working quarters if anyone would take me. Not one person was suitable and I came to the conclusion that because maybe I was unlikable. An unlovable puppy, not needed by any human...anything.
One day, a knock came on the door and a tall man with tanish skin and velvet black hair came in to take on the offer of keeping me. He spoke to my owner on his daughter wanting a dog for her birthday, he couldn't afford other dogs at the pound or shelter because it was too much work and money. Money is a substance I'll never understand. My owner at the time smiled and shook his hand telling him that I was available. He greatly accepted me and 4 days later he came to get me with a six-shaped cage that I guessed was to transport me to his house. My owner turned to me and smiled tears in her eyes. In response, I licked her hand and whimpered trying to tell her I'd be ok. She took my response and hugged me tightly. I never felt this before...I couldn't tell what it was, but that day.... That day, I never thought I'd feel so attached to a human that I'd actually love.

~Onto my new home~
Walking to the car the man put me into the back seat and took me out the cage in the back seat and patted my head.
"Its ok you need a name", he smiled closing the door and getting into the driver's seat.
" daughter does like things that sparkle so.. You'll be called Diamond!! Sound nice girl?", he smiled. I barked back waging my tail and looked out the window to see the house. We started driving off and I was just mesmerized by the sights around me. He got off the driveway and did a few turns before we gottened onto the highway. I never felt the wind in my pelt before and it felt good. I stuck my tounge out and smiled looking at the other cars ahead of us. After a while we became stuck in traffic. By then I had already taken my head in and just looked through the glass window. The sky seemed so dull knowing I see it everyday. I really was excited to go out and see my new home with a new name, new identity, and yet so many new fears.
The man looked back at me and smiled then started to go through this lane labeled with a sigh called "Exit 4". I never understood the humans language in words, but I could note that "exit" meant to leave , so I guess we were leaving the highway. As we drove through the curvy exit we made it to a road with rows upon rows, one behind the other, of houses all alike yet with different accessories and roofs. I was so amazed about it that I had to bark, "anyone one out there!!". Several replies came back to me so quickly. One was a Yorkshire terrier mix, another a Border collie, then another was a small husky pomeranian mixed. My smile widened knowing I won't be lonely in this town.
Little did I know, we were almost there towards our destination. He was waiting at a grey sign saying "stop". I tilted my head as he drove past it after waiting a minute or two. We turned onto a graveled road which made me put my head in so not to hit my head on the top of the window. I happily wagged my skinny tail quickly and looked around inside the vehicle. Besides its dark grey interior, it was filled with crumbed floor tile and sticky seat fronts. We then came back onto the manufactured smooth road and turned left into a light grey driveway.
I was relieved to finally be here after an hour and didn't want to waist time on a child's party. Though the man had other ideas, opening to door diligently I sprung out like a dolphin on TV and tried running off. Before I could even take my second prance he grabbed my collar from behind and force me into a two-legged position before setting me back down on all fours. I looked up towards him and his deep voice somehow gave a chuckle.
"Its ok Diamond, just don't be rough and if she hurts you. I'll know", he smiled walking me towards the door.
I was excited, but a bit nervous to see these kids. He finally opened the door and I was hesitant to walk in ,this lady went up to him (I pressumed his wife), and looked at me with disgust.
"What is that?!", she shrieked.
The man was a bit peeved though he held that back and gave a fake smile.
"Look she's a friend's puppy, and you never said anything specific", he added. She rolled her eyes and sighed "fine, but your taking care of her with Vanessa. Honestly, do one thing right Hudson!!", she stormed off to the back slide door and walked out to some other 'pressumed' mothers. I looked up at him and whimpered, though he only bent down with a passionate smile.
"Its ok, Diamond... Im fine", he smiled the got up and took up a long snake like rope. I started a slow growl at it and barked at it 'what is that thing'. He laid it infront of me and I sniffed the leather-like paint on it. I looked up at him and barked noting him that I was familiar with the "leash".
"Good girl, Diamond", he laughed and scratched my head smiling.
He then clipped the leash on the hook of my collar and tugged on the leash to tell me to go. Remembering what my mom said I started to follow him hearing the nails scratch the tiles. Finally, I was out in the yard being walked to the birthday girl. I was nervous and whimpered lowering myself closer to the floor. The crouched down to his little princess and smiled giving her a small tap on the shoulder
"Don't scare gentle", he explained softly. Vanessa stepped forward and her friends watched observantly. She reached out her hand and patted my head. I closed my eyes and panted it a bit. I've never been petted before without it being my previous owner. It felt warm and innocent due to the fact that she was just a little girl. Her friend soon surround me petting me from head to tail. I had a good time until one of Vanessa's friends yanked my tail. I instantly yelped and whimpered as the pain seeped through. Why had she done this to me? Did I do something wrong? I dismissed any conclusions and kept licking hands to greet a girl that came to pet me. However again the girl yanked my tail and caused me to repeat my action from before. I didn't want this to continued and rage filled me. Without hesitation I leapt at her and growled even with me being a puppy, I was quite big. She screamed and I bit her arm not to much, just enough to get her to back away. Hudson's wife ran out hearing the screaming.
"Hudson!! Do something!!", she ordered at him. He instantly hit my side with his foot causing me to fall down onto my side. I whimpered not knowing why I had to have suck a penalty ,only understanding that I simply used self defense. The Miss went to the little girl and brought her inside not long before glancing at Hudsom with a digusted look. He only sighed and walked to me with sadness in his eyes. I immediately remember what my mother said and looked up at him. He picked me up grunting a bit.
"You're getting older Diamond. Guess this behavior is natural", he solemnly said to me as if knowing me by heart. We walked out to the front yard and he tied me to the fence.
'Wait! Don't leave me out here!!', I barked as he headed towards the door. He made a sudden pause and looked back at me then shook his head. He retreated to the inside of the house and by the gruesome sound of the Miss's yelling, went to the backyard to entertain their guests.
It left me here, out in the yard
I decided to lay down and whimpered softly to myself knowing I had disobeyed my mother's instructions without thinking.
Hopefully the later days will be better...hopefully.

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