Chapter 1: Hanging Out with Logan

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I'm pretty excited for this one and I might actually update this one! Maybe...
Anyways here is some details on the main boys:
Kiran - Floriographer and insect researcher
Isaac - Book writer and violinist
Logan - Fashionista and painter
Endre - Animal lover and breeder
Laverne - Gamer and linguist
Minke - Singer and pianist
Marco - Historian and baker
Carol (yes this is a boy) - Maid and nurse

Timo - Scientist and hacker (In an online school)
They are all in high school (freshman).
Parts of the chapter may be in text messages.
Names that are surrounded by - are the people we will be following.

Finally, I haven't rated it mature but there will be smut scenes and there will be a lot of cussing.
~3rd Person~ -Kiran-
Vvvvvr. Vvvvvr.
Kiran grudgingly woke up, not even bothering to raise his head up. "W-What is it...?" he mumbled.

His green eyes slowly turned to his phone, which was vibrating non-stop. He slowly picked up the phone, which seemed like it was acres away and checked his phone and who was texting him at this ungodly hour.

[Chat with Pink Petals (Logan)]
Pink Petals: r u awake?
Pink Petals: ik u probs arent
Pink Petals: just makin sure
Pink Petals: anywyas
Pink Petals: *anyways
Pink Petals: do u have the auriculas i asked for?
unholy sins (Kiran): Why the fuck are you texting me at 4:10 in the fucking morning on a Monday
Pink Petals: sorry!!!!!!!!
Pink Petals: ill get u like a lunch or somethin to make up for waking u
unholy sins: It's fine
unholy sins: And no I don't
unholy sins: I forgot to go to the store to get some
Pink Petals: oh thats fine
Pink Petals: but i thought you get flowers from ur garden????
unholy sins: Don't have any auriculas growing.
Pink Petals: oh ok
Pink Petals: well since ur up do you want to go to the park?
Pink Petals: if ur like me it will be pretty hard to fall back asleep until 8
unholy sins: Do I have to?
Pink Petals: no!!!!
Pink Petals: but id like you to
Pink Petals: we havent met up just by ourselves in like a month or so?
unholy sins: Fine
Pink Petals: thx!!!!
Pink Petals: ill ask my sister to make you breakfast
unholy sins: Okay, thanks
unholy sins: Let me get ready
Pink Petals: k!!!!!

Kiran sighed. That kid will be the death of me... He sighed again. He raised himself from his soft and warm bed, wishing he could stay there forever. In a zombie like trance, he slowly opened the door and left his room.

"Kirannnnn!" yelled a loud voice.
Kiran slowly turned his attention to the voice, which belonged to his younger sister Elise.
"What are you doing big brother?" Elise shouted cheerfully.
"I'm meeting with one of my friends. Move, so I can get ready." Kiran responded grouchingly.
"Jeez, no need to be so mean!" Elise pouted and ran off, hugging her teddy bear.

Kiran just slowly shook his head and walked into the restroom and gazed into his reflection in the mirror.
His messy dark-brown hair appeared to be the only thing that he noticed in his reflection, along with his dark brown skin. Kiran took a flower designed comb and slowly combed his hair. It still looked messy, but was much better than his previous look. For a final touch, he added a rose to the left side of his head. I guess this will do.

Before leaving to go towards the park, he checked his garden for two particular types of flowers.
As he entered the garden, he stopped for a moment and appreciated the beautiful butterflies and insects flying around him. He then returned his attention back to finding the flowers he needed. Where is those dang flowers.... white periwinkle, sardony, white carnations, daffodils, bridal roses, caspia... oh there they are! He picked 5 everlasting-peas and 5 agrimoney and wrapped them in a ribbon and, finally, headed towards the park.

*Time skip* -Logan-
Logan sat on an oak bench and placed the two breakfasts by him. But what he doesn't know is this is actually a DATE. We're gonna play in the park and then I will 'accidentally' run into him. Then, I will fall on him and 'accidentally' kiss him. T-Then, he will be so surprised but enchanted by my actions he will carry on the kiss and then w-!
"Logan." yelled a voice.

Logan jumped back a bit, "O-Oh it was just you Kiran... haha..." Logan whispered, definitely a startled hint to his tone.

"Did you like die or something?" Kiran laughed a little as he said that.
"I just d-dozed out, t-that's all," Logan murmured. His amber eyes darted towards the bouquet in the other boy's hand, "W-Whats that for?"
"...Oh this! This is for you!" Kiran handed Logan the flowers.
W-What??? "O-Oh! T-Thank you v-very much..." Logan mumbled. I-Is this a d-declaration of love? I-It probably isn't but I like to assume it is... he probably hates me for waking him up so early.

"Logan... you look like you are about to cry." Kiran placed his thumb on Logan's pale skin right under his eye.
"W-What! I'm not g-going to cry..." Logan laughed a bit and lightly pushed Kiran's hand away, "A-Anyway lets just eat!" Logan practically shoved the breakfast into Kiran's hand.
Kiran looked at him puzzlingly, but took it and sat down next to him.

"Hey Logan..."
"Please don't be so hard on yourself."
Logan stared at him, their eyes meeting. Slowly, their gaze broke and both ate their meals silently.

After some time, they both finished their meals and cleaned up.
"H-Hey K-Kiran..." Logan stuttered.
"Um... do you want t-to go play?"
The two boys ran around and then Logan remembered why he asked in the first place. He ran and, purposely, hit into Kiran. But, things didn't go as expected.

Logan didn't run into Kiran hard enough, so Kiran just stumbled backwards while Logan fell and hit his head really hard on the ground, creating a loud thunking sound.
"Logan! Are you alright?" Kiran shouted.
"I-I'm fine..." Logan replied, but crying as he said it.
"You are NOT fine." Kiran said stubbornly and put Logan's face onto his chest and wrapped his arms around him.
Logan was going to protest, but all he did was stay there and sob.

They stayed together like that for a couple of minutes until Kiran broke the tranquil silence, "Are you okay now?"
"Y-Yes..." Logan pulled his head away, his eyes a red do to all the crying he was doing.

"Well, don't be sad! I can take you to my place, if you want to continue hanging out over there." Kiran said while smiling.
"N-No it's fine. School is going to s-start in a couple of hours a-anyways..." Logan said while looking down.

"If you say so," Kiran said, "...Oh! I think I'm going to have to go back home. My family is probably worried about me."
"...Wouldn't y-your family be asleep right now?"
"Nope! They are all early birds, unlike me. That kinda creates a weird schedule and annoyance for us."
"O-Okay then. Well I'll see you later." Logan waved.

Kiran turned to walk away, but just as he did so Logan called out again.
"Um, if it isn't a bother, would you mind getting me a bouquet of rose of sharons and tulips? I know I'm a-already asking for some auriculas but..."
"Sure! I can do that."
"T-Thank you..." Logan pushed some of his own brown bangs out of the way, taking a good look at Kiran. Logan then smiled the hardest he had in a lot of time.

You still failed at making it a date still. If he figures out why you need those two flowers, he is so gonna think you are a weirdo.
He didn't let those negative thoughts invade his optimistic mood right now, maybe another time he will allow it.

You kinda need a knowledge of the flower languages to help understand this book so have the meaning of the flowers in this chapter:
Auricula - Painting
Rose of Sharon - Consumed by Love
Tulip - Declaration of Love
Everlasting Pea - An appointed meeting
Agrimony - Thankfulness, gratitude

Hope you enjoyed this! :3

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