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"i can't believe i ever trusted you! how dare i love you and actually have affections for you, for you to just throw them away with no care in the world, ridiculous!"

"no, wait! phil, its not what you think! i love-" i say reaching out to try and grab his arm.

"bull shit daniel, that's such a lie." he says harshly, snatching his arm away, like my skin was fire and would burn him. "go back to your little girlfriend and tell it to her. shell obviously like that seeing that you already said it one too many times tonight! I'm done playing your stupid little games, were done!"

as he rushed around the hot bodies dancing and grinding on top of each other, the only thing i could do was just stand their, shocked.

"danny, just let him go. he's just gonna drag you down. stay with me, baby." she said drunkenly, clinging to my arm.


"what-" i slipped out of her grasp and sped as fast as I could to find him. i see the door close down the hall and i quickly run to the door. I throw open the door so hard that i could break the door knob. I see his beautiful black raven hair shine in the moonlight and his snow white skin looking prettier than any flower. he turns back to see that i was in the doorway and starts to sprint towards his car.

"phil, please! wait! I need to explain!" i yell, trying to get his attention. he turns back around and stops running, i stop too. he's about 30 feet away from me, he's holding his head in his hands, bawling his eyes out, shoulders hunched over.

behind him i see a pair of head lights swivel onto the coldesack, swerving on the road. i can't see the driver clearly, but they seems drunk based on their driving skills. you can obviously tell that the driver wasn't paying an ounce of attention. the car dosnt stop as it keeps coming towards us at the end of the coldesack, picking up speed.

"phil, run!" I scream, panicking. "move now!" i drop into a dead sprint as quick as i could.

but I wasn't quick enough.

he lets go of his teary eyed face to turn around. the headlights get brighter and brighter each second. and as everything clicks in his head about what's happening...

i was too late.

but hana, you barely update your other story. at least finish one!

so I got this idea of a fic late at night and I decided to start something small idk. if you like it and think I should continue tell me please, after a while and a couple chapters I might just get rid of it idk. ill be starting it over the summer!

k byyeee

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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