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Hello! This is my Newt Scamander one-shots book, hopefully you'll enjoy! I'm writing this introduction, well, to introduce you to the book, and to clear a few things up.

At the start of each one-shot I'll have four or five sub-categories:
- Summary: to give a small blurb about what you're about to read
- Word Count: to tell you how long it is
- Warnings: to tell you if there's blood, angst, fluff, or more (I don't swear)
- Author's Note: to tell a bit more about the fic
- Request: to alert you if it was requested or not

On another note, I only write female readers because I personally find it easier to do so. I apologize if you prefer something else, I'm just trying to write these one-shots as a creativity outlet and a way to practice writing.

Hopefully it won't take long for me to update, but if it does, shoot me a message or a comment and I'll be sure to get writing. Anyways, I think that's it!

   Hailey (your loving and supporting author)

Newt Scamander One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now