Sweet Dreams

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Screaming.... I hear screaming everywhere.. My vision is blurred and I can't see what's going on around me. I feel beads of sweat rolling along the side of my face, into my eyes, into my mouth.

What is happening?!

I attempt to sit up but my legs, arms, and chest are tied down with something rough and itchy.


My vision finally clears and I lift up my head up and my eyes scan the room. My eyes widen in shock as I see a huge variety of medicine and syringes with massive, needles that resemble the claws of a monster.

Oh my god, they're putting drugs inside of me..

Suddenly, I hear muffled voices, but I can't figure out where they're coming from. I think they're coming from another room.. I twist my head at a painful angle to try to hear better..

"What should we do? We can't keep her here forever.. we need to come up with a plan soon and fast."

They're trying to figure out what do to with me! Oh my god oh my god they're going to kill me! I need to find a way to escape or I'm dead!

"One more day, then we'll decide. For now let's have some fun with her." says another voice.
"No I want to get it over with and kill her. I'm bored of her and she's taking up too much space."

Just as I am about to scream as loud as I can to get out of this hellhole, a familiar voice whispers in my ear, freeing me of this awful nightmare...

"Ana.. Someone you care about is in trouble......Anaaaaaaaa... WAKE UP ANA WAKE UP!!"
My eyes snap open and I quickly sit up with my heart pounding in my chest.
"My God, Ana why does it take you so damn long to wake up!"
My eyes scan my surroundings and I realize I am perfectly safe in my room with my little sister, Joanna, in front of me screaming at me. I had another one of those nightmares, again. I have had the same nightmares ever since I was a little girl but I don't know why. I think they might be trying to tell me someth-
"ANA! Hello are you even listening to me!? I said get your ass up because it's time to go to school! You really get on my nerves sometimes you know that?"

My mind snaps back to reality and I throw a pillow at her.
"Okay first of all, I'm older than you so you can't tell me what to do. Second of all, didn't you see I was having a nightmare? You're such a nice sister, Jo."
I respond with fury in my eyes. I haven't told her about the nightmares I've been having. I know I should, I love her with all my heart but I don't want her to be worrying about her fifteen year-old asshole of a sister.
She shouts from her bed,
"Hey its not my fault I'm such an amazing person and don't want you and I going to school late. Now can you pleaseeee hurry up and change!?"
"Fine, whatever. At least ask me if I'm okay next time, God. Now get out of the room unless you want to see me naked."
I watch as my thirteen year old sister scurries out of my room, leaving me alone with my horrific thoughts.

I quickly changed into some high waisted jeans and a blush colored crop top with some black sandals that show my cringey toes. I run down the stairs, focusing on which step I'm taking so I don't fall. Ironically, this causes me to clash into someone and fall on my ass.

Clumsy me

I look up from the floor and I see my mother looking at me.
"Haha sorry mom. I've been out of it all morning." I said while chuckling.
"Get it together Ana." She responded laughing at me.
She held out her hands to help me up on my feet. I followed her into the kitchen and sat down next to my sister. My mother gave us plates with delicious looking pancakes covered with a perfect amount of golden maple syrup. While eating, I  admired the beautiful woman who gave birth to me. I've always wondered why I look nothing like her but I just guess I got my looks from my dad whom i have never met or seen before in my life. My mother has blonde hair and I have dark, curly hair. She has blue eyes and I have brown eyes. She claims she dyes her hair often and wears contacts, but I've never seen her do either before. Joanna looks more like me than my mother but we have a few differences.
I refocused my attention back on my family.
They were talking about boyfriends and how Joanna is too young to have one.

"But Ana has one! And she's only two years older than me! It's not fair!" whined Joanna.
I laughed, "Jo leave me and Damon out of this!"
"No! I want to be able to have a boyfriend. I want a tall guy with dark hair and a jawline sharp enough to cut a bitch. The complete opposite of Damon that's for sure!" She snorted.

I was about to cuss my sister out to defend the love of my life, when a loud ringing coming from one of the rooms spared her.

"Crap that's mine! Can't believe I left my phone. That thing is my best friend. Be right back!" My sister said while running to her room to answer the call.

While she was running, I saw her stub her pinkie toe in the corner of the couch and trip. I started laughing so hard to the point where my cheeks turned red and my stomach hurt. My laughter was interrupted by my mother, "Ana." I turn my head around and see her staring at me with seriousness in her eyes. My smile fades as I realized she is about to start a serious conversation.

Oh no what did I do now?

"Ana... Jo told me you had a nightmare again. Is it true?"
"Yes," I replied sadly. "Though, it was different this time.. a voice said someone I care about is in trouble."

A worried expression flooded my mother's face. But, as quickly as it came, it went. "What do you mean you heard a voice? Was it someone you know?"

"I couldn't tell, but it's only a dream it probably doesn't mean anything."
I didn't believe that, but I didn't want to worry her any more than I already have.

"Are you sure? Honey, be honest with me."
Before I could open my mouth, Jo ran back into the room, cutting our conversation short. She rushed over to me and grabbed my arm hard, her nails digging into my skin. As she dragged me towards the door, she shouted,
I looked back at my mother one last time and she gave me a look that said: "We'll finish this later." I wondered why she cared so much about a stupid dream, it's not like it's real life. I nodded at my mother in agreement, and out the door we went.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2017 ⏰

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