{~My Phone!~}

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He tapped along the sides of the phone with his slender index finger. He was lost in through, planning on how to give her phone back.

Meanwhile, (Y/N) was searching for her phone in every place she could think of with worry coating her (E/C) eyes. She can't risk her phone being gone, it had too much valuable information on it. The anxiousness in her gut grew more and more with every moment she used to find the special device.

A knock was heard at her front door. 'Who is it this time?' She thought and walked towards the foor and creaked it open. When she opened the door her eyebrow rose in confusion. She saw no one at her door and sighed.

A familiar object caught her eye down below. Her eyes sparkle as she picked up her (F/C) phone. She hugged the object close towards her body as her anxiety faded away.

From a distance Nathiel watched her joy of receiving her long lost object. He couldn't help but feel jealous of her affection towards the electronic device. But he knew it was just a normal object.

A few pictures of him holding her like that popped in his head as he watched from a street pole nearby, hiding his identity. He couldn't wait but he had to make her trust him more before he does.

He sighed at the thought and ran his pale fingers through his hair in frustration. (Y/N) walked back into her home as his presence still lingered at the street pole. A few minutes of watching her move from window to window won't hurt, right?

He watched her move swiftly from window to window with predator eyes that refused to leave his prey. He loved the way her body moved and turned. It could keep him stable for days but he wanted to feel her as well.

Her beautiful and soft skin made him tingle with every touch, no matter where it was. It was his heaven for his half dead body. Her memorising orbs that could bright up his undead soul and brighten it up, little by little that would turn large in the matter of time.

If only she knew how much he loved her and knew how she affected him. But she will, soon enough. He got out his phone from his back jean pocket and went into messages.

His fingers tapped on his phone  keyboard with swift and accurate motions. He was very skilled at typing but because of his mysterious nature no one really knew this of him.

"Good morning!"
"Good morning"

She started to feel uneasy when she saw that his contact was on her phone and that all her male contacts was gone.

"Did you sleep well?"

It was a stupid question to ask because he already new her awnser. Because he was there when her body and mind was recovering and sleeping.

"You could say that and you?"
"Yes! Because I dreamt of you ;)"

She was shocked at his reply towards her question. She put her phone down and tried to process everything that's happening in her mind.

"Hello? You there?"
"Answer me!"
"I feel lonely without you, please!"

She was more shocked at his slight spamming. She switched off her phone and got ready for work. Nathiel was a clueless to gaining someones trust and thought that that's how you do it correctly. But he didn't know so he continued his actions and got a little angry when she didn't reply to him.

"Answer me dammit!" He screamed at his phone as his hands shook in frustration as his tensed muscles tried to get rid from the tension. But it was to no avail.

Out of nowhere (Y/N)'s door opens with her working uniform on with her handbag slung over her shoulder. Her gaze immediately met with Nathiel's. He waved towards her with a grin over his mouth and casually walked over towards her.

She hesitantly waved back as he approached her. She was still confused at how she got his number and why he is sending her none stop messages that are cheesy sweet. But he was like a complete stranger even if they already had a date.

He was now standing dangerously close to her now. She backed up a little as he placed his hand atop her head and gave it a slight ruffle. She didn't do anything towards it because she didn't want to be rude.

"Hey. Why don't you reply to my messages?" He asked and pulled at her ear towards him. "Because I wad busy," she wined as she tried to get out of his grip. He pinched it lightly and she jelped at his sudden action. It sent pain through her ear, more than it should.

She looked in his eyes and saw something different in his eyes. It almost had a hint of danger and warning in them but she knew there were more than that in his crimson orbs. His eyes sent uncomfortable shivers up her spine and gave her goosebumps.

"I forgot to tell you but I'll be joining you every day! Isn't that good news?!" He exclaimed with a smile and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She jerked a little at his sudden movement.

"But why?" She asked a little curious and walked with Nathiel quick on her tail. "To keep you company and make sure no killers get you," he replied and (Y/N) looked up at him.

"Ok," she didn't say anything after that but it wasn’t the end for Nathiel. He asked her some more personal questions that made her slightly scared and uncomfortable. But she stayed quiet, not wanting to be rude or disrespectful.

He wanted to learn as much as he can from his future princess. There wasn't a killer loose but he just wanted an excuse to be with her. He just can't help it. He just loves her too much to leave her alone.

'My precious little princess. The key to my heart,'

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