Get to know me! :D

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Soooo. Here are all of meh things! :'3

1. My real name is Kasandra, though my nickname is Kim.

2. I'm 11 yrs old, though i swear often behind my parent's backs.

3. I have a crush on somebody, but i know MOST of you will say i'm too young for that. But you know what? YOLO. THATS RIGHT, BITCHES.

4. I got inspired by TheNerdBunny(Nebu-senpai! ;D;), Mocha-Latte, and MilknPork. Also _JazzPheonix. Jazz is also the reason why i got onto :3

5. I'm 11, yet i'm an inch taller than my sister, who's 18.

6. I have an overprotective family, soi have some problems.

7. I have schizoprenia and heterochromia.

8. Some of my schizophrenic attacks are so critical that i fainted that one time just to save my friend.

9. I'm that loving and caring friend who always has your back. <3


10. I hate school so fucking much that i want to kill my adviser, since she thought UNO cards are gambling cards.

Thats it for now! :D

Hope i get to know you, too! ;D;


Kim's Get-To-Know and Rant Book. :DWhere stories live. Discover now