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I stuffed my notebooks into my bag and my text books into my locker. I took a deep breath Okay lucy, you got this, i smiled. I fixed my skirt and put my boobs up alittle, i also fixed my hair and walked towards where natsu had always hung out. Which is ofcourse, the back of the school parking lot. Thats okay though, my car is back there so its perfect!

I started opening the doors, swaying my hips a bit to get natsus attention. As he was sitting next to some guys talking. I wasnt getting much attention Oh! Maybe if i do a cute sneeze it will! I smiled and ready to start doing a small sneeze-

"WAH!" i fell forward "ow.." i looked to what had tripped me Of course a skateboard

"Oh shit! Here let me help you up!" I heard a voice. I looked up to see Natsu and in that moment i felt like it was just us, cause it seemed like forever he held his hand out.

"Oh, thank you" i grabbed onto his hand as he pulled me up

"Sorry about that dollface, i must have accidentally left it there" he chuckled.

I dusted off my skirt and shirt "No worries, noone got hurt" i gave him a seductive smile Heh, i guess getting him to notice me this way isnt so bad. Now to lure him in.

 We stood there in silence look around for a few minutes Shit..now its kind of awkward, i was about to say something until one of his friends called out

"Hey natsu!" his friend came up to him, he turned and saw me. His expression was changed as he gave me a wink and shoved natsu out of the way.

"Why hello there" he grabbed my hand and kissed it. What the hell?


"My name is Gray, but im sure you knew that since im so cool right?" He smirked

"Um no, i have no idea who you are"

"WA-"his face turned into a shocking face. 

"Well it was nice to meet you Boys!" i smiled and started walking away swaying my hips knowing natsu was looking, I usually dont do this to get a guys attention, but i was not about to let this report be a lost cause! There's so many women out there who deal with guys like natsu. i heard someone say that they will see me later, but i couldnt tell who it was. They were quite loud

"-Gray back off, shes mine"

"You idiot you cant just claim who's yours!"

"She tripped in front of me on MY skateboard! Plus you have whats her faces name..uh Justine?"

"Its Juvia you damn freak"

"Its close enough-"I got into my car. I sighed, how am i going to do this? I turned the car on and drove home. I was greeted by my dog plue, I smile at the fact that plue is a big fluffy dog and that when people hear of my dog they think he'd be little! 

I go over to refill his water bowl and food bowl. I ran to my room to change out of the school uniform and into some stressed denim shorts and a white v neck. Our school hours arent that long, And the awesome thing is that we dont get homework because all our grades are based off attendance, quizzes and tests. I stretched, grabbed my note book and a pen, and sat on the couch.

'How to tame a boy 101 - 1. ' i stopped writing. How am i to know how to tame one? i sat there thinking, as my train of thought was stopped by my growling stomach. Maybe i cant think because im hungry. I got up, threw on some sneakers, grabbed my wallet and phone and left the apartment locking it behind me.

Leaving the apartments i walked down the street going to the nearest resturant. I went into Magnolia's little pizzeria, i went up to the counter and order a large with a few of my favorite toppings.

"15.45 please" the cashier asked, i handed him my card as he scanned it i looked over to the corner of the restaurant and saw an arcade. My face immediately lit up i took my card back and walked over to the arcade. I took out some spare change that was lying around in my wallet, i started playing a tetris game until i was rudely interrupted. 

"So you like games?" I heard a chuckle along with the voice

"I do infact. But is that any of your business?" i smirked at natsu. I realized i lost and moved onto another game. Hm..I saw a crane game and tossed some coins in, It started with a cute beep turning it on. i look around to see if there was anything i could want

"Oh!" i moved the crane to where a little lion was and pressed the button. the crane dropped down and picked up the lion

"YES!" i shouted. i started dancing

"Oh would you look at that" Natsu said.

"huh?" i looked over towards the crane and saw that the lion was dropped. I ran up to the little window

"But..no..My lion.." i sniffed a little"Wait i can do this!" I shouted and tossed a few more coins in. i grabbed onto the little handle as the game turned on, then i felt someone behind, i looked up in the reflection to see natsu. He was pressed up closely against me and placed his hands over my hands. He guided the crane over to a plush and picked it up, the crane gracefully held onto the plush as it went down the little shoot.

"Congrats!" the game shouted. Natsu removed himself and picked up the plush and handed it to me.

"Consider it our first date, Since our last one didnt go quite well." i looked up at him He..remembers that?

"Number 7!" the cashier shouted out. Oh!

"Heh thanks natsu, for that little lesson. Ill just have to thank you later" I lightly punched his arm.

"Oh yeah? We can talk about that later" He said as he walked off. I ran to grab my pizza and left for my apartment. How did he even remember, i thought he never cared...

I got back to the apartment and ate while writing

'1. To tame a bad boy, you have to play the same game he's playing. Only then you will grasp his interest' I smiled.

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