Chapter 1

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Bryce's POV

Everybody's gone. They all left. I'm alone. I knew this would happen. Just not so soon. Jackson, James and Mikey call and text sometimes but not enough to make me happy again. I'm truly alone. I CAN'T DO THIS...


It was just a normal day. When all of  a sudden my mention, calls and texts started to blow up. I knew at that stage something was wrong. I was currently hanging out with Tayler and before I could even go into Twitter he started to scream at me and push me off his bed. "DUDE WTF!" Tayler screamed at me. "WHAT!" I screamed back. "WHY WOULD YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT YOU'RE FRIENDS!" "SAY WHAT I'M CONFUSED!?!"At this stage I didn't what was going on. I was just so fucking confused. "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU FUCKING SAID YOU DOUCHE!!!" "TAYLER I REALLY DON'T!!!" I could see the steam pouring out of his ears. All of a sudden I felt a massive pain in my jaw. Tayler had punched me... "WHAT DID I FUCKING DO ALREADY!!?!?" I was in so much pain. I could feel the bruise forming around my eye. "YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU FUCKING SAID YOU BITCH!?!" "YES, YES I DO!" "OK THEN YOU SAID: 

' All my friends are so fucking annoying. I can't stand them. The only reason I hang out with them is for publicity. They are all worthless to me. Like honestly why even try I'm better than them all lol'

Wtf? I didn't say that. "I DIDN'T FUCKING SAY THAT SHIT!" "CLEARLY YOU FUCKING DID BECAUSE A FAN HAS SCREENSHOTS OF YOU SENDING THAT TO HER!" "THAT'S FAKE TAYLER! PLEASE BELIEVE ME!" "Get out..." my voice cracks "what..." at this moment I know I'm about to lose one of my bestfriends. " I said GET THE FUCK OUT!!!" "I'm sorry..." I start to sob. I run out and sprint to my car and cry on the drive back home. 

When I reach my house I park my car and run as fast as I can to my front door and knock because I forgot my house key. My mom opens the door, " Hi Bryce hunn- what happened?" I just ignore her and sprint up the stairs to my room and lock my door. My mom called me for dinner a while later but I just told her I wasn't hungry and she left. I got so many calls, texts and tweets from everyone and they all reacted the same as Tayler except for Mikey, James and Jackson. They believe and I'm so thankful for that. After everything I just turned off all my notifications and went to sleep.


Everything just got worse over night. I started to look at all the comments and tweets and I regret it. I couldn't help the tears that started to pour from my eyes down my face. It just hurt. I couldn't believe my eyes. I went into the bathroom and took a good, long look at myself in the mirror. I was DISGUSTED at what I saw. There was so many flaws looking back at me. I looked back down at my phone and now I could finally understand where they were all coming from. I was fat. I couldn't believe I let myself go like that. Well stuff is going to change. No more fat Bryce. 

A sudden knock on my bedroom door brought me out of my dark thoughts. "Bryce hunny breakfast is on the table!" "Ok mom!" Oh no. What am I supposed to do? I can't eat that. I'll just lie and say I'm not hungry. I walked out of the bathroom and out of my bedroom. When I sat at the Kitchen table my mom put a plate of food in front of me and I almost gagged just thinking about the fact that I ate that everyday and just let myself go like that. I just poked my food with my fork until a sudden "Bryce aren't you gonna eat your food?" "no sorry mom I'm not hungry" "But you didn't eat dinner last night" Brandon replied. "I'M JUST NOT HUNGRY!" "I'm sor-" "No I'm sorry I shouldn't have snapped like that" " Its ok sweetheart I understand we pushed it" "I'm going to the gym and then I'm going for a run I'll get dinner while I'm out.Bye guys" "Bye Bryce"

With that I left with and empty stomach, a broken soul and a heavy heart...

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2017 ⏰

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