An unexpected meeting

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Anna's POV

The morning I woke up was indeed by far the worst one! my head hurt from thinking about all the events that took place yesterday . All it took was one encounter with this Harry guy to ruin my entire brain.

I was actually afraid to go out side. I felt some what safe in my bed all wrapped up and warm in my comfy white sheets. The day was surprisingly sunny. The weather was perfect for me to go outside but something in my brain restricted me from stepping an inch outside by bed.

After a while I felt stupid. Why was I letting this guy ruin my life. I couldn't just let him control me like that. At some time I would eventually have to leave the comfort of my bed. So I pushed all negative thoughts in my brain and focussed on getting ready for my job which I was late for!!

I couldn't help but feel as though someone was staring intently at me as I made my way towards my car. Maybe I was being paranoid because every time I tried to look for the source I would find no one . I quickly locked the door to my car and started the engine.

A sharp knock on the window of my car scared the shit out of me . I turned to look at the all too familiar look of a girl that lived next to my apartment . I sighed in relief to know it was just her. I rolled down the window of my car in order to hear her .

" hey! If you don't mind my car broke down and I was wondering if you could drop me off to work"

Yeah we both worked together too. She was the head of my department.

We both worked for a famous magazine and our pay was actually very good . Her name was Eleanor and she was definitely one of the prettiest girls I had ever met!

I offered her a sweet smile as I spoke

"sure get in"

She gave me a thankful smile and climbed in.

We actually had a nice conversation during the drive to our work.

We mostly talked about business during our job but now we were talking like we were great friends. Iv never really had a real friend before and my social skills were not excellent but talking to her actually felt nice.

Few boring hours later I decided to head back to my apartment and remember Eleanor did not have one so I went to offer her a ride back.

When I stepped into her office she held her face in her hands and was pulling on a few strands of her hair while sobbing.

Was she crying?

" hey are you okay?" I asked with concern

" she made a few noises and lifted her head up to see me through her tear filled eyes. It broke my heart to see her like that.

" what's wrong do want me to help you?" I asked

She unexpectedly lunged herself at me and hug me tightly . I hugged her back but was surprised by her actions.

She wiped her tears away but her face was still red with smudged make up on her face.

" if it's ok with you I'd like to go to your apartment . It's hard to explain but I can't go back to mine.

I didn't understand what she meant but out of sympathy I drove her to my apartment.

Once inside I made her a cup of tea.

" thanks" her voice was shaky and breaking towards the end.

I sat next to her not knowing what to do.

After she had calmed down she stated to speak.

" you must think I'm crazy"

" no not at all" I wonder why she thought that way

She froze the second she saw something behind me. I followed her vision to see her eyes landed on the jacket Harry gave me yesterday

" w w where did you get that?" she stuttered. Does this mean she knew who he was.

" I took shelter from the rain yesterday in an alley. A guy came up to me and lend me his jacket after creeping me out" I spoke

Her eyes widened an she began to panic once again.

" what's wrong ? Come on tell me" I knew she knew something and I was determined to find out what it was.

" nonononono this cannot be happening "

" what ? What cannot be happening?" she was beginning to scare me.

" God why?? " she sobbed

" it's not fair!! You have no idea how much trouble you're in. This is The Harry Styles jacket"

" what do you mean"

" you honestly don't know ? He's the most dangerous gang leader here in London . Im actually one of his best mates girlfriend " she broke down

" k I'm going to need you to calm down. I know that he's a dangerous man but what has that to do with you and me?"

" Louis is in his gang . He's my B boyfriend . He can be pretty rough at times but I can't help but love him. We had a fight a few weeks back . I was going to apologize to him when one day I found him sleeping with another girl ! I got mad at him and ran away from him. But I know him well. He Wont stop until he finds me and just today I got a text from him telling me how much trouble I was in!" she spoke with sadness and anger.

" I have a feeling his best mate Harry has taken an interest in you and that's not good"

I tried to absorb all this information. It was too much to take in.

Suddenly the front door burst open and in came some unexpected visitors .

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