Chapter Four // Goodbye Canada

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Chapter Four // Goodbye Canada


Her eyes staring into mine. I can't imagine life without Cassie. Not being able to have her dainty warm hands intertwined with mine, not being able to hug her, not being able to see her smile, and not being able to text her for hours and never get bored. My life without her would consist of sadness, emptiness, and loneliness. I'd always feel like something is missing in my life. I'd miss her saying no to my plans because she has dance, when she's cold she makes sweater paws and buries her face into her scarf, or her trying to find the perfect leaf to step on just because she loves the sound. I love her, no actually love is an under statement.

"Cass?" I say with my arms still tightly around her.


"I want to be your everything. Through us not talking I still had strong feelings for you, and still do. But you need to know how I feel, I want to be here for you whenever you need me. I envy the mug of coffee that gets to kiss your sleepy lips awake every morning. I want you to be my first actual dinner date and a movie at 6PM. I want to be the reason why you giggle at 2AM, your 3AM sleepy kisses, and by 4AM we'd be tired out and cuddle all night long watching movies. You don't understand how much I need you."

I see her cheeks become a flushed pink color, which I find extremely adorable. Her eyes begin to widen as I see tears fill her eyes, did I say something wrong?

"Shawn, I love you so much, but in all honesty but we can't date, alright? I have a lot going on in my life and I'm not going to dump all my problems on you." Cassie answers with a shaky voice as I use my thumb to wipe her tears.

"I want you to tell me your problems, I'll always be here for you through everything and you know that. I want you to call me in the middle of the night to talk about your problems and I'll be right there, listening and comforting you. I'm going to be the one to help you heal and console you. I want you and when I mean that, I mean all of you even if that means going to your house at three in the morning to talk. Okay baby? I mean it." I look into her hazel eyes and lean in, my lips in perfect sync with hers.

Cassie's POV:

His lips crashed into mine and I didn't do anything to stop it. This kiss meant something, something that any of our kisses ever meant. As I was kissing him I thought about what he said and cracked a smile, his forehead leans against mine. I feel my feet slide off the floor as Shawn picks me up, bridal style. He sets me down on his wine colored couch and picks up his guitar that is placed next to his TV. The lyrics of "James Dean and Audrey Hepburn" by Sleeping With Sirens slips out of his lips while he plays the chords. I cant help myself, the biggest smile appears on my face, this song used to be our song. His angelic voice makes my heart flutter and my face to become steaming hot. I'm completely infatuated with Shawn.

He cuddles up behind me on the couch after he finished the song. I love being in his arms. It makes me feel so secure: it's the best feeling. My eyes shut and I drift asleep.


As I look down I see Cassie fast asleep; I slip my arm out from under her carefully. I grasp the fluffy white blanket that was resting on the chaise onto Cassie's cold body. I run up to my room and grab my computer and make my way back into the living room. I look at the time, 3:50 PM; I search up flights for New York for tonight. Bart usually pays for our tickets but I don't want to go tomorrow neither does Cassie. I see a flight for 1 AM. Hopefully that's enough time for Cassie and I to pack everything.

I go up to my room and begin to pack; I grab a pair of khakis, two pairs of jeans, and a pair of sweatpants and shove in my suitcase. I rummage through my dresser to find my favorite white long sleeve with words written down the right sleeve. I throw four pairs of my black Joe Boxer's in with the other clothes. I finish packing and zipped my suitcase and brought it downstairs. Cassie's awake now, bundled up in the covers using her phone.

"You packed already?" She asks curiously.

"Yeah, I booked an earlier flight for us. Its at 1AM."

"Alright, I'll go home and pack now."




My mother and father enter the car as I place my luggage in the trunk and push it shut. I take a seat in the back and we begin to drive to pick Cassie up. I pick my phone up to text Cassie.

"YO we're on our way be ready hoe"

I click send.

We pull up to Cassie's cozy looking house, I see her hugging her mother goodbye.


As I'm hugging my mother goodbye, I see Shawn's car pull up. I wave so they know I see them.

"Bye mom, I love you."

"Cassie, text me once you land! Love you."

I walk out of the door rolling my luggage behind me as Shawn gets out of the car. I let go of my luggage as he takes it and throws it in the trunk. I slide into the car.

"Hi, how are you?" I ask Shawn's parents. I missed them.

"We're doing great! We're glad you and Shawn started talking again." Shawn's father says politely.

"Me too."

Shawn re-enters the car and we begin driving to the airport.


We go through baggage and multiple medal detectors before we can board the plane. I grab his hand interlocking our fingers as I walk to find our seats. As I make my way to sit Shawn pushes me out of the way to get the window seat.


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