Blackwood High match up: Chapter 1

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Synopsis is

Kiki: So we're teachers you're a librarian, I'm an English teacher for mostly 9th grade, Johnathan is a Gym teacher, and James is the English teacher for mostly 10th grade. So we've been at the school since the start of the year and the boys started to teach at the school in the middle of the year. Lets assume that the teachers have lunch in the lunchroom with the students and the students ship us with each other. You meet Johnny at the library and Me and James meet by combining classes of the 9th and 10th graders. The story goes on from there. Also let's just say that the students convince me and James to combine classes and that we only talked about combining classes and not about anything else.

Ally's POV

Ally: It was a normal day I was in the school library stocking books before the day started. I looked behind me as my best friend called out to me.

Kiki: "Ally?!"

Ally: As she walks in to the library. "Back here in the corner!"

Kiki: "Which corner though?!"

Ally: I walk out from the corner and stand behind her. "This corner!" I tap her on the back as I say this.

Kiki: "Ahh! Why would you do that?!"

Ally: I nearly fall over from laughter as I use a book shelf for support. Not the realizing the book shelf had wheels on it.

Kiki: "So you wanna play like that! Huh? You butt!" The bookshelf fell out from under me as Kiki said this.

Ally: "AHHH CRAP!!! Owieee..."

Kiki: "Haha! That's what you get!!"

Ally: "Bro!!!........that hurt!!! But the look on your face tho!!!"

Kiki: "Shut up! You freaking butt!!!"

Ally: I take a deep breath and get up. "Okay......Okay." I walk over to the corner I was in and continued​ to stack books.

kiki: "Are you done laughing now?"

Ally: I cough and try to calm down "I..... I think so."

Kiki: "Are you sure Ms. Librarian?"

Ally: I put the last book on the shelf and walk back out. "Yes" I move the shelf I was leaning against back into place.

Kiki: "Alrighty. So did you hear about the new teachers coming in two months?"

Ally: I look at kiki as I think. "Uuuuuuuuuuh........... I think" I shrug. "If I did I don't remember."

kiki: "Well there is new teachers coming on November first and of course it has to be guys!"

Ally: "Well unless they're mega hot superstars I'm not worried." I heave out as I pick up a stack of books and set them on a table.

Kiki: "Me neither. I'm just tired of being one of the only two young people here."

Ally: "Not true nurse Jackie and nurse Sam are in their late twenties." I start to organize the books on the table by genre and alphabetical​ order.

Kiki: "Yeah but we're in our early twenties. There's no other teachers in their early twenties but us!"

Ally: "Okay woman calm the frick down, why you always gotta freak?"

Kiki: "I'm black. I thought you knew this dear sister."

Ally: "I do and that's​ your​ excuse for everything."

Kiki: "Yep because it's true and you know it."

Ally: I look at the time "Yeah okay. You should start heading back to your room if you wanna take your time the students should be coming soon."

Kiki: "Yeah I should. Well Alexis I will see you later and have a good day sis!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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