Masky's Pov

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I didnt stay to long after finding E.J seeing as how it might be akward for toby to find out i was around. He passed out right after we layed him down on E.J's bed.
"He will be fine...Just a phew stitches." E.J had said.
I let my hand glide down the rail of the stairs as I found my way into the kitchen. Finding some cheese cake in the fridge i popped open the clear lid as i drooled. I grabbed a fork and sat on the couch turning on the news. I said down and ate my cheese cake while watching.

Breaking knews.
Man Found dead not to far from a bar. The witnesses had said the killer wore a bloody yet beautiful laced dress. Short blonde bobbed hair and wore the half top part of a mask. If you see her. The sheriff is now putting out an award for where she might be at This moment.

I turned off the music and looked up beside me to see a tall figure with a black suit with no face. Mr.Slender...

Masky x Toby ~Pov~Where stories live. Discover now