Chapter 1~Thats Strange?

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    In dream~
"I want to give you something."
       "What is it?"
      "It's a necklace, so you don't forget who I use to be, if I turn into something I'm not..."
       "Don't be silly, I will never forget who you are, you're my one and only best friend."
       "Thank you for caring about me."
               Your pov
*Ring* *Ring*!!!
*presses button*
*Continuously keeps ringing*
"Ugh!"*Throws alarm clock out the window*
"I can buy a new window, right?"
"Honey, time for school! Don't want to be late now do we?"
"Ok, I'll get ready..."
Man, Mondays suck. Anyway, hi, I'm y/n. I have an average life, but my dreams are not so average. I have the same dream every night for as long as I could remember. When I was 3, my (now called) parents found me at their front door with a necklace around me. It was an amulet that was a sapphire blue and a black stripe over it. Whenever I look at it, it reminds me of something I can't really remember, so I just keep it tucked under my shirt. My dream starts off with a strange skeleton with a crown with a crescent moon in it, and wearing dark raven blue clothes that look almost fit for a prince. Then he gives me the amulet I have on, but why does he seem so.....familiar?
" y/n hurry up! I have your breakfast ready."
"Coming mom!"
I look at my phone and HOLY SHIT IM LATE!!! I ran down stairs, ate my morning granola bar, kissed my mom and dad on the cheek, and I ran out the doorway like there was no tomorrow. When I arrived at school, I thought maybe the library had some evidence about that familiar skeleton in my dreams. When I tell some of my friends about my dream, they all thought I was crazy! They said it was just my imagination and they just all left me. But what if my dream isn't fake? That is what I want to find out...
~Time skip to last period class~
When I walked to the library down the road of the school, I kept looking through SO MANY books, but I found nothing, until I saw this oddly placed book just ready for someone to take it. When I opened the book, it was kind of dusty, but it told a story about a tree of feelings and that there was two skeleton guardians who protected each side of the tree. The tree produced two different kinds of apples. One side was with beautiful, golden apples that represent everyone's hopes and dreams and the other side produced dark apples that represent everyone's envy, fear, and jealousy, but one day the brother who protected the dark apples felt jealous that his brother's apples were getting more attention then his. He felt like no one cared about him. Because of this, he took one of his brother's apples and thought that if he could take care of his brother's apples, he could prove to everyone that he was important too. But because of someone who was filled with envy and jealousy, corrupted the apple, and with it, the tree. The guardian was scared of what he had done. When his brother got back, he was shocked at what his brother did. He tried to help his brother in panic, until the towns people came and surrounded the two guardians and the tree. Because all of the golden apples were corrupted, all of the positive feelings inside of everyone turned into negative feelings. The towns people wanted to hurt the guardian who caused this, maybe even kill him. His brother tried to stop everyone from reaching to his brother who was scared. But he had heard something from the tree that said, "Get stronger." He didn't know who said that from the tree, but being frightened of death,he ate the apples. One by one, he felt worse and worse. He started to feel like he was changing, and he was. He was corrupting into a monster. When I turned to the next page, the rest of the pages were ripped out! That's strange? The story didn't even say the two guardians names! How will I find them, what will happen next, and WHAT HAPPENED TO THE GUARDIAN THAT WAS CORRUPTED!?!?!!? Well, looks like I will find out myself. Maybe when it's midnight, I can sneak out and find them. Maybe one of them is who I'm looking for. I will just have to wait and see....

Hi, it's author~chan here, the next chapter will come out soon if anyone is interested☺️
See ya soon!
~ HarmonicBeats🎼🎧🎼🎧

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