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when night falls, the world says:

"it is time to sleep."

alex disagrees. every night he exits his brick house full of haunting thoughts and memories, only to feel wind over his face. he inhales, the air cold and startling. alex stands in the middle of the road, arms outstretched and eyes closed.
he is feeling safe.

nobody sees him, nobody hears him. nobody notices the teenage boy.

except jack.
the boy with eyes like honey, a voice like sand, fingertips like soft wool. he's walking his way to the store with steady footsteps, and today he takes a different route. he's smoking a cigarette with his lips of sunlight, he takes a glance up.
that's when his gaze rests upon a boy.
his arms are outstretched to the air, his eyes are closed and his hair is as blue as the ocean waves.
jack is curious, concerned.
what is this boy doing?
he clears his throat.
the boy with the sea in his hair stumbled, wide eyes searching for the source. clearly shaken, his eyes shone desperately. was it a ghost? did someone see him?

did someone notice the boy?

jack had sunk into the shadows, watching with eyes of hazelnut chocolate. the blue boy was silent, his arms wrapped like angels graceful wings around himself. he was quivering, and in a matter of moments there were tears of fear sliding down his cheeks.
he then turned, and fled.

              [ --------------------------------------------------------------]

alex sat, with his hair messed, like gnarly branches in a tree, from running. the single sound of the person clearing their throat had seemed like a car was heading straight for his body with the headlights screaming in his face.
he was scared.
his heart was still thumping like a marching band was alive in his chest.
who was the person? a young girl with blonde pigtails? a frightening adult with metallic eyes?
when the sun hid, he was on the deserted road again. inhaling deeply, he smiled in pure joy at the chilled wind that danced through his lungs. alex had his eyes closed, shutting out the world for a while. that's when he heard a voice that swirled like a autumn leaf in the cool wind.
"what are you doing?"
unlike his mothers harsh tone, this one sounded like a sweet spoonful of hot chocolate, like violet silk, like gentle whispers. a safe voice, alex decided. his eyes opened, and flicked around the area to finally see who the graceful voice belonged to. smoke danced in the air, like a soul was spinning and twirling. alex noticed the source with curious hazel eyes. lips. lips made of honey and velvet and diamonds and superb beauty. eyes, framed delicately with thick lashes that looked like sweet melodies. alex found the boy who had spoken those words with comfort. he had a cigarette in between those lips, and alex found his voice, "you're damaging yourself."
and the boy opened his golden mouth and simply laughed. he did not stub out the burning cigarette that was leaving his body in danger, but rested his fierce gaze upon the shaken male with the cotton candy hair.
"who are you?" jack whispered like a child with the curiosity of a kitten, his questioning words drifting into the other's ears. the hazy smoke left his lips and faded into nothingness. the dangerous cigarette turned to ashes in the dark night, his boot deemed it gone with a harsh scuff. silence fell, and it was uncomfortable, uneasy and unusual.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2017 ⏰

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