How it Started

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Juliana Bates was always alone. Sat in the back of the class with nothing but her thoughts and to twiddle the pencil between her nervous fingers, occasionally looking up to see classmates staring at her, looking back at each other, and giggling to themselves. Did she having something on her face? Did she smell? 

She held a hand to her mouth and breathed in it to check her breath, which only made her classmates giggle more. What was wrong with her? What did she do? Maybe being a new kid from "up north" didn't help. But, she was so desperate to make friends. Real friends this time, not just the ones that talked to her in her head.

You can say Juliana had some... issues. Something she would never talk about to anyone.

Even now the voices talked to her.

They're talking about you! See how they laugh at your expense? They know you're a mental case, a nut job, a crazy head!

She tries her best to ignore them, but sometimes when they get a bit out of control, she has to scratch her head to block out the noises.

The bell rings and everyone runs out of the classroom except for Juliana, who stayed behind and waited for everyone else to leave, then walked out and to her locker. A hand slammed hard against the locker next to her, making her jump and let out a small yelp.

"Hey," a boy said. He looked older than Juliana, maybe by a year or two. She observed his features. He was tall, lanky, sharp blues eyes, hollow cheeks, stumble for hair.  He's not that bad looking if you ask me, the voice cooed in her head. She scratches her scalp and doesn't respond to his greeting and continued to put in her locker combination. Failed the first time when she tried yanking on the lock and it didn't open. She tried putting it in again and yank, nothing. In her frustration, she slams the lock back against the locker and slid down until she was sitting on the floor, knees to her chest. 

The boy stood awkwardly and looked around to see if people were staring at her, they were. Couldn't make out what they were saying when they saw she was sitting on the ground. He felt like he had to say something, made the effort to walk over here to talk to her.

"Are you a'ight? You wahnt me to help?" Juliana hadn't realized that the boy was still there. She figured he would've been long gone by now to his next class.

"No, I'm okay," she said pushing a piece of short brown hair hind her ear.

"Yea... ah'm Lucas Baker," he said extending his hand the girl on the ground. She just looked at his hand like he was insane for wanting physical contact with her. He seemed only a little offended when she didn't take it right away. When she did, he helped her off the ground, but she still looked at the green school tile floors like she would be punished if she dared look up. Lucas looked down and into her face to see what was wrong. She turned away from his gaze.

"I gotta get to class. It was nice meeting you, Lucas," Juliana said as she dashed for whichever direction she was hoping he wasn't going. He followed her.

"Were those guys botherin' you in class?"

"No." He was starting to get little irritated with her not being more sociable. He just started speeding past her. What the hell was her problem? He was just trying to be nice, goddammit!

"Fine, see ya latah." She felt awful now for being too awkward. She wanted to tell 'Lucas' sorry. She hurried to catch up to him. She was desperate to try to make friends after all.

"Hey, wait!" Lucas turned back around on his heel to face her. Waiting for a response from her that was more than a few damn words. He puts his hands in his hoodie pockets.

"Why did you say hi to me? Everyone else has been rude to me today."

"I thought you was new an' needed someone tah talk to. Believe me, ah know what its like to be treated like an outcas' here."

"Why, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Ah do mind. Jus' know yer not alone," Lucas said. She nodded, satisfied with just that.

"Whas yer name?" He looks down at her with big icy blue eyes. Beautiful.

"I'm Juliana Bates." He smiled brightly at her. She blushed to the color of a tomato. "Would you wanna be friends?"

Lucas looked a little taken aback by her blunt question, but nodded all the same. Not like he had many or at all to begin with.

"Y'know, ah should call ya Tweety instead."


"'Cause ya sounded like a chirpin' bird when ah scared ya earlier," Lucas said, amused. Juliana giggled. So this was having a real friend was like? Cracking jokes and casually having conversation? She could get used to this. She could get used to having Lucas Baker as a friend.

(AN: This is the first chapter of Tweet Tweet, based on Lucas Baker before, during, and after Eveline appeared to the Baker family in the recent Resident Evil 7 game. I hope you like it. And on another note, I will be writing Lucas' dialogue as he would say it. In the game, he has a thick southern, almost cajun accent.)

Tweet Tweet -Lucas Baker (Resident Evil 7) fan fictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ