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"Breakfast!" Jin yelled from downstairs. Hobi could smell the meal that was waiting for him and it made him hungry.

He made his way downstairs, not before knocking loudly on everyone's doors to try and awake them.

Jungkook and Jimin were already sat at the table and the rest of the members slowly but surely made it to the room.

This usually wouldn't happen but it was Jin's pancake day and everyone loves when he makes pancakes because it's full of sugar.

Hoseok normally has a lot of energy but this increases it to a level of 'omg j hope sit your ass in the chair before I staple it there' energy.

Along with the energy, he was able to make everyone smile. But sometimes they were fake. Even the saddest people seem the happiest.

"Hobi how did you sleep?" Yoongi asked. The male smiled to himself, happy for being talked to because he needs that. Sometimes being alone helps but it makes him fall down a hole of hell which is why talking to his members always makes everything better.

"It was very good yoongay thankyou for asking" he chimed.

Yoongi gave him a look, it would have shut anyone else up but Hoseok smiled right through the venomous glare that soon turned into one of giggles.

The rest of the breakfast was filled with laughter and talking, mostly from Hoseok but everyone was okay with that.



Acknowledgment || jung hoseok x btsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz