Chapter 2: The First Snowflake

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---Present Day---
You see, this story starts with a snowflake, and I suppose it might end with one too because on the edge of town next to a statue their sits a man who watches over the city. He sits and watches all things for that is his his job as a guardian. However this man wasn't always a guardian, he was human like you and me. He had a family, he had a brother, he had a life and one day he just wasn't there anymore. To the world this man is Jack Frost but to his family he was Steve Rogers. He was a strong child with a heart of gold. He was good and when he got his memories back he went and watched over the only family he had, but when he died both he and the world would never be the same.

This guardian wondered the streets one night and decided to explore the area where his brother once lived. It had been 70 years since he died and now it was finally time. They say that when it rains the good lord cries, but when it snows did you know that Jack Frost is crying. That is why the world got colder days in the summer and harsh snow storms in the winter. He was a man when he died and his fate worse than death was never to be seen again. Steve would be the first to admit that immortality had its gifts but today he'd say they were a curse.

Steve walked through an empty street in Time Square as it snowed. It was midnight, Christmas Eve actually and all the stores were closed. Steve tuned out the world till he looked up and saw a news report, "what is going on?" he thought as he flew up to face the screen to listen to the reporter. When the television came into view he saw a child with dark brown hair, and brown eyes. Steve couldn't help but stare into those beautiful brown eyes and get lost, but when he saw the date in the bottom of the corner he felt tears roll down his cheeks. A child with a sibling who was lost and alone just like him and that photo was 10 years old. "Maybe?" Steve thought to himself and took a chance. He waited their watching the television hoping and praying for a location,some sort of way to find the boy and right at the end of the announcement there showed live footage of Stark Tower and Steve thought that it would be the best place to start.

Stark Tower
Steve stood in the empty street looking up at a lit up stark tower. He noticed a few lights toward the top and flew up there to find a balcony. He set foot on the balcony then got closer and looked inside to see a tree lit up and a young woman a little younger than him sitting watching the same channel he had seen on the street only moments ago. Jack walked in and went and sat down next to the young woman. She was in winter wear and looked as if she had just been outside. She had beautiful red hair and a white streak down one side. Her hair was in braids. She was beautiful, but where was the boy on the television?

Steve walked over to a wall and looked at the photos displayed. He saw the child from the screen and smiled. "Tony," he heard the red head say, "merry Christmas." A male voice came through television speakers, "merry Christmas to you too."

Steve couldn't be seen so he just sat there and watched Pepper till he heard this loud crashing noise from the floor above. When he got there he found a brunette sitting in the far corner closest to the door that led out to the balcony. The room was covered in ice and had a snow man small in size sitting on the balcony looking into the room. Steve said, "I found you," before watching tony look past him to look around the room. Steve said, "hello?" and this time Tony got up. He walked over to his mirror and gave his reflection a long hard look, "you're going crazy Tony."

Once again Steve felt tears role down his face. He thought he found someone who could see him, but he was wrong. Even though there were tears... well he knew that he could turn this around and he was not about to give up without doing everything he possibly could. In fact, Steve started with the simplest of gifts to make Tony and ice rose. When tony saw this he smiled. Steve knew how to make people happy. Snow days that canceled school all the way to things as simple as a rose could change anyone's attitude and that is what it did for tony. Steve watched tony perk up more than he could imagine. Steve knew he was close to being seen. The only thing left was to make Tony believe that he was real.

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