Chapter 1

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It was Friday night and I had just finish school for a couple hours ago

Today was my best friend birthday party
I was sitting on my bed texting with Her taking for a bit before her party starts in an hour or so

I could definitely feel that she was excited Because she kept asking me the same question over and over again.....

Layla: Mari when are you gonna come?

Me: when the party begins in 1 hour as I have told you many times now

Layla: arg sorry I'm just so excited this party is gonna be dope

Me: yea it's your party after all

Layla: ahhh I just can't wait

Me: I can tell

Layla: yeah hahahaha well Mari I'm gonna go I need to finish up the last things see you soon

Me: okay see ya

I placed my phone on my bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower before getting ready to go to Layla's party

I finish showering after standing in the shower for 20 minutes while singing and doing a couple of dance moves to warm up my ugly dancing skills for tonight's party

I walked over to my closet to pick out tonight's outfit I ended up choosing some ripped blue high waisted jeans and a black crop top and put on a simple necklace

I let my black hair stay down since I didn't really wanted to come up with some crazy hairstyle

I then took my phone and went downstairs into the living room where both of my parents where sitting on the couch while watching a movie together holding each other's hands

I found myself smiling at them they where really a perfect couple I've always wanted to find someone who I can be happy with like my parents are with each other

I went out to the kitchen to get some water but almost choked to death when I saw the time I've had 10 minutes before Layla's party beings

Geez she's gonna kill me if I'm late I quickly went to put on my black converse

I took Layla's gift and put it down in my back I quickly ran into the living room saying goodbye to my parents

Before leaving my house my mom yelled "have fun dear"
I just answered back with a loud "THANKS!!" Before closing the door and began running as fast as I could

As I was running I decided to run trough the park to make a shortcut but as I was running as fast as I could I tripped over a huge rock I didn't notice

In fear from falling I closed my eyes tightly and waited for the pain to hit me when I hit the ground

but instead of hitting the hard ground something or someone catches me

Are you okay ? The person asked me with a deep voice

I open my eyes and saw the person in front of me was a guy around my age

he has brown beautiful eyes & brown hair he was wearing a black blouse with a text on it saying Donald and some black jeans there was ripped at the knees he also had some black and grey shoes on

He was wearing a light grey cap with white stripes and had a black watch around his left wrist and 2 rings on his fingers on his right hand

He was looking at me worried since I still haven't answered his question but at soon as I nodded in responds to him his worried look soon got replaced by a big smile which was quit charming

Are you hurt in any way ? Can you stand by yourself? He asked me you catch me before I could hit the ground so I'm okay... I manage to say

He just nodded and then pulled us both up so we could stand again by our own

Now when I stood up again by myself and not being held in his arms anymore

I realized as we stood up how tall his was compared to me He was maybe a head taller than me

I felt the atmosphere suddenly got a bit awkward but before I could say anything to make up a conversation to maybe make at least less awkward
The guy was way faster than me

??: so what's your name btw ?

Me: uhh I'm Mari .. what's your name?

Tae: oh I'm Taehyung nice to meet you Mari 🙂

Mari: nice to meet you too Taehyung

Taehyung began smiling which made my heart skip a beat I didn't know what to do so I just decided to thank him for saving me

Me: Oh .. yea thank for saving me from falling

Tae: no problem I'm just happy that I've manage to catch you in time

He just smiled at me again and I smiled back at him in thanks and to be polite

Tae: so... Mari where were you heading in such a rush before ?

Me: huh....OH NO ! I'm definitely going to be late now oh god Layla is gonna kill me for being late for her birthday party

I began yelling without thinking that I wasn't alone and probably look and sounded like an idiot

I folded my hands together praying for Layla's forgiveness

Tae: wait are you also going to Layla's party?

Me: yea.. wait you going too?!

Tae: well yea l meet Layla last year trough some friends of mine and since I just moved to Seoul a couple days ago she invited me to her party

Me: so you just moved to Seoul....well then welcome to Seoul Taehyung

Tae: thanks Mari but since you are also are going to Layla's party could we then maybe walked together because since I just moved here I don't really know these locations so well ?

Me: yea sure we can walk together

He smiled at my response we started to walk towards layal's house and continued our conversation

Taehyung was really sweet and kind as I learned a little bit more about him and got to see a little bit of his personality I can definitely tell he's a good person and it's so nice how easy it is to talk to him

After walking for a while we finally ended up where Layla lives

The party was already started since we were about 20 minutes late we walked up to the front door and walked into the house where I instantly spotted Layla amongst the many people that had showed up

I was hopping to maybe survive for a little bit but that wish ended pretty fast as Layla saw me standing at the door

Oh god I'm so dead.....

To be continued

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